《每日说英文》由留美老师Regina担任主持人!Regina在台湾出生,长大。在14岁独自留学美国。其后8年都在美丽的波斯顿,就读于纽曼中学Newman High School和东北大学Northeastern University。快来听听Regiina老师是如何说英文的!
留美老师带你每日说英文 第991期:当个沙发客
How about couch surfing? Totally free, but potentially sketchy. Mix and match these options to maximize your budget and maintain your sanity. 当个沙发客呢?完全免费,但有潜藏风险。比较这些选项,让你的预算发挥到最大值
留美老师带你每日说英文 第992期:你的手机在监听你吗?
Our smartphones are with us at all times, but are companies and governments using them to spy on us? You may be suspicious for a good reason. 虽然我们把智能手机随时都带在身边,但公司与政府究竟有没有用它来暗中监视我们
留美老师带你每日说英文 第993期:薯条刚进入美国市场时的情景
When French fries made their way to America, they soon became a restaurant mainstay. Many restaurants served Fries as their signature dish. Believe it or not, they were once considered very hoity-toity. 当年薯条刚成功进入美国市场时,就立
留美老师带你每日说英文 第994期:了解意识的根源
The roots of consciousness aren't fully understood but it's believed that for humans to be awake and conscious, a few things in the brain need to be functioning properly. 虽然我们还没办法完全了解意识的根源所在,但目前普遍认为
留美老师带你每日说英文 第995期:没有任何纪律会怎样?
If you don't have any discipline, you'll end up with absolutely no freedom, you'll end up being a slave to other people that boss you around. 如果你没有任何纪律,你最终就不会有自由,你最终会成为那些在你身边指东道西的
留美老师带你每日说英文 第996期:性别刻板印象
As children there is no limit to what we believe we can become but as girls and boys, we are steered in different directions growing up. This happens because of what we call gender stereotypes. 如果被定位成孩童,我们对自己未来发展的可
留美老师带你每日说英文 第997期:极简主义的最终目的
Ultimately though, the purpose of minimalism has to do with the benefits we experience once we're on the other side of decluttering. 然而,极简主义的最终目的是和我们清理掉多余的东西之后,所能够体会到的益处有关。
留美老师带你每日说英文 第998期:什么是国家认同
National identity changes our reality. We experience whatever happens to our nation as if it happened to us. 对国家的身份认同改变了我们的现实。我们会把我们的国家所经历的种种,当作是发生在自己身上的事。 学习
留美老师带你每日说英文 第999期:我们有责任去维系整个生态环境
Our playground for all of this is based in the environment. Whether it's the mountains, the rivers, the ocean, it's something that we, in essence, have a responsibility to maintain and sustain. 我们所有乐于从事的活动,都是基于整个生态
留美老师带你每日说英文 第1000期:如何搭建巢窝
The construction process of the nest first is creating the foundation and the infrastructure. And then I follow those larger sculptural shapes that I bolt together with smaller material that I can weave in and around. 搭建巢窝的第一步就是先创
留美老师带你每日说英文 第1001期:素食者如何保证营养均衡
Most vegetarians can keep those levels in check with lots of beans, leafy green veggies, soy, dairy, nutritional yeast, and whole grains. Dietary supplements can come in handy, too, in making sure your body is getting everything it needs. 大部分的素
留美老师带你每日说英文 第1002期:需要能够独立思考
At the beginning, I needed to escape the conventions that surrounded me, which meant that I needed to think for myself. 刚开始的时候,我必须要先摆脱我周边的那些惯例,也就是说我需要能够独立思考。 学习重点: 1.
留美老师带你每日说英文 第1003期:决策疲劳是什么
All these small decisions can get overwhelming and sometimes leads us to make bad choices. There is actually a term for it. Its called decision fatigue. 所有这些小决定都有可能会压得我们喘不过气,有时还会导致我们做出不好
留美老师带你每日说英文 第1004期:行为痕迹是什么
Behavioral residue on the contrary is the unintentional results of your behavior. If you leave your shoes scattered around the floor. It's probably because you're lazy. 行为痕迹则恰恰相反,它是你无意间的行为呈现出的结果,如果
留美老师带你每日说英文 第1005期:自制的乌冬面
Homemade udon noodles are so much better than pre-made noodles, and the ingredients are actually very, very simple. 自制的乌冬面比现成的乌冬面好太多了,而且用料其实非常非常简单! 学习重点: 1.homemade 自制的 hom