Sorry. 对不起
Don't say that. 别这样说
You have... 你完全
Every right to be mad at me. 有理由对我生气
I'm not mad at you. 我没生气
I was wrong to jump on you about the pictures. 冲到你面前质问你有关照片的事是我的错
Is this about the pictures, or... 你生气是因为照片还是那个吻
Is it about the kiss? 是那个吻吗
I liked the kiss, 我喜欢那个吻
You spend too much time thinking about what things mean-- 你想的太多了
A kiss, a picture, 一个吻 一张照片
A scarf. 一条围巾
There's so much going on in my head right now. 我现在脑子里很乱
I'm just trying to figure out the right thing to do. 我只是想要事情回到正轨上去
What do you need, 你需要什么
Right now? 就现在
A little time. Some space. 时间 距离
Not just with you, but with my mom, with everybody. 不是只是对你 对所有人都一样
We can get some space here. 我们可以保持一段距离
It's okay. 没事的
Thanks. 谢谢
Good night. 晚安

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n.方法,手段,折中点,物质财富 | |
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