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时间:2020-04-16 05:42来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

JOHN YANG: In this MeToo era, there is artistic1 question to consider: How do we think about Charlie Rose interviews, Miramax movies, or "Cosby Show" reruns? In other words, should we separate the art from the artist? Earlier this week, the influential2 rapper XXXTentacion was murdered in Florida. Critics and fans call him a gifted artist, but he had also been awaiting trial on various criminal charges. So, what do we make of his music and of the work of other artists whose behavior has been called into question? Tonight, "New Yorker" music critic Amanda Petrusich shares her Humble3 Opinion on how we should answer those questions.

AMANDA PETRUSICH, "The New Yorker": For decades, if not centuries, art critics have repeated an odd dictum: Always separate the art from the artist. It's a funny rule, because so much of what's been canonized as triumphant4 or profound work is considered successful in part because it is personal. In my experience, if we can't find the humanity in something, it means far less to us. As a music critic, a huge part of my job consists of contextualizing a song or album in its cultural moment and on a creative continuum, figuring out how it works and what it means in relation to everything around it. But, according to the old rules, the artist himself who he is, what he does, how he behaves, what he believes, should remain off-limits. It's become increasingly obvious that this way of thinking is outdated5 and dangerous. We can't simply cleave6 a song from the consciousness that created it because we like it, or because it's fun to dance to, or because we don't want to reckon with the idea that bad people can make beautiful things. It's on me to consider the ethical7 implications of my fandom. This means disavowing the work of artists who have been credibly8 or repeatedly accused of heinous9 crimes or whose behavior over time indicates some deep moral fissure10. The streaming service Spotify briefly11 banned music by two artists who have been accused of horrifying12 physical and sexual violence, the R&B singer R. Kelly and the rapper XXXTentacion, on its curated play lists. I have enjoyed records by both of these artists. I have considered their work important and visionary. But I'm uncomfortable with supporting them financially and I'm even more uncomfortable with tacitly approving or tolerating violence against women. This is different than censorship. This is making a choice to be explicit13 about what we as listeners and consumers and fans will and will not accept. Spotify eventually restored those artists to its play lists, saying it didn't want to play judge and jury. These deliberations aren't simple. Is it easier to pretend that the art and artist who made it are distinct? Of course. Is the process of determining who is decent vs. who is monstrous14 going to be clean, or easy or fun? Certainly not. In my career, I have spoken with dozens of musicians, writers and filmmakers who have talked about the creative process as a kind of sense-making experience.

For many artists, it's simply how they figure out who they are and what they think. We can't pretend that songs or books or television shows just appear fully15 formed in the world, independent of any ideology16 or intention. The art is the artist. You don't get one without the other.

JOHN YANG: On the "NewsHour" online right now: What would it take to turn President Trump's vision of a space force branch of the armed services into reality? We asked experts to weigh in. That analysis and more is on our Web site, PBS.org/NewsHour.






1 artistic IeWyG     
  • The picture on this screen is a good artistic work.这屏风上的画是件很好的艺术品。
  • These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.外国朋友很喜欢这些美术工艺品。
2 influential l7oxK     
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
  • He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
3 humble ddjzU     
  • In my humble opinion,he will win the election.依我拙见,他将在选举中获胜。
  • Defeat and failure make people humble.挫折与失败会使人谦卑。
4 triumphant JpQys     
  • The army made a triumphant entry into the enemy's capital.部队胜利地进入了敌方首都。
  • There was a positively triumphant note in her voice.她的声音里带有一种极为得意的语气。
5 outdated vJTx0     
  • That list of addresses is outdated,many have changed.那个通讯录已经没用了,许多地址已经改了。
  • Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.我们许多人都遵循祖先立下的过时习俗。
6 cleave iqJzf     
  • It examines how the decision to quit gold or to cleave to it affected trade policies.论文分析了放弃或坚持金本位是如何影响贸易政策的。
  • Those who cleave to the latter view include many conservative American politicians.坚持后一种观点的大多是美国的保守派政客。
7 ethical diIz4     
  • It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept.必须使青年具有高度的道德观念。
  • It was a debate which aroused fervent ethical arguments.那是一场引发强烈的伦理道德争论的辩论。
8 credibly YzQxK     
  • I am credibly informed that. 由可靠方面听说。
  • An effective management software ensures network to run credibly. 一个高效的网管软件是网络运行的可靠保证。
9 heinous 6QrzC     
  • They admitted to the most heinous crimes.他们承认了极其恶劣的罪行。
  • I do not want to meet that heinous person.我不想见那个十恶不赦的人。
10 fissure Njbxt     
  • Though we all got out to examine the fissure,he remained in the car.我们纷纷下车察看那个大裂缝,他却呆在车上。
  • Ground fissure is the main geological disaster in Xi'an city construction.地裂缝是西安市主要的工程地质灾害问题。
11 briefly 9Styo     
  • I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem.我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面。
  • He was kidnapped and briefly detained by a terrorist group.他被一个恐怖组织绑架并短暂拘禁。
12 horrifying 6rezZ3     
  • He went to great pains to show how horrifying the war was. 他极力指出战争是多么的恐怖。
  • The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate. 战争的可能性太可怕了,真不堪细想。
13 explicit IhFzc     
  • She was quite explicit about why she left.她对自己离去的原因直言不讳。
  • He avoids the explicit answer to us.他避免给我们明确的回答。
14 monstrous vwFyM     
  • The smoke began to whirl and grew into a monstrous column.浓烟开始盘旋上升,形成了一个巨大的烟柱。
  • Your behaviour in class is monstrous!你在课堂上的行为真是丢人!
15 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
16 ideology Scfzg     
  • The ideology has great influence in the world.这种思想体系在世界上有很大的影响。
  • The ideal is to strike a medium between ideology and inspiration.我的理想是在意识思想和灵感鼓动之间找到一个折衷。
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