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  • 趣味英语第50期:感性的人要如何强大起来

    EmmaTheKitty asks: EmmaTheKitty问道: I'm a very sensitive person and I really wanna be strong. I just don't know how. 我是一个非常感性的人,我特别想强大起来。可是我不知道应该怎么做。 (toughly) Gotta work out your m...

  • 趣味英语第49期:在任天堂明星大乱斗这个游戏中应该用哪个角色

    Jtomlp is asking: Jtomlp问道: Which character should I use in Smash Bros? Yes! 在《任天堂明星大乱斗》这个游戏中我应该用哪个角色?耶! I don't know. (laughs) I don't have a clue. 我不知道。(笑)我完全不知道。...

  • 趣味英语第48期:妈妈不让我和喜欢的女孩约会怎么办

    Victorio Martinez Vera what a beautiful name. 维克托里奥马丁内兹维拉,多美丽的名字啊。 What should I do if my mom doesn't want me to date the girl at my school I really like? 如果我妈妈不想让我和我在学校里喜欢的女...

  • 趣味英语第47期:被锁在卫生间怎么办

    FIFA BEAST1 asks: FIFA BEAST1问道: I'm locked in my bathroom. (laughing) What do I do?! 我被锁在卫生间了。(笑)我该怎么办? Probably sending this question wasn't a good idea. 也许发送这个问题并不是个好主意。 The...

  • 趣味英语第46期:智能手机丢了该怎么办

    Matea Matkovic wants to know: 马提迈特柯维克想知道: How can I motivate myself to do something with my life? 我怎么能激励自己在有生之年做些什么事? You have to go to school. That's a good thing to do with your life. 你要...

  • 趣味英语第45期:怎么让喜欢的女孩回短信

    Sheila Suiter asks: 希拉苏特问道: How do I get the girl I like to text me back? 怎么让喜欢的女孩回短信? Texting-oh gosh. 短信,哦天哪。 Text them, and then keep texting them, and keep texting them, keep texting them until...

  • 趣味英语第44期:怎么判断我的宠物猫是不是特工

    MeoTheRandom asks: MeoTheRandom问道: How do I tell if my cats are secret agents? 我怎么能判断我的宠物猫是不是特工? What cat can be a secret agent? 一只猫怎么成为特工? Cats aren't secret agents. I hate to dispel that m...

  • 趣味英语第43期:和最好的朋友做室友却很痛苦怎么办

    Tristen Fearse asks: 特里斯滕菲尔斯问道: My best friend is my roommate and we don't live well together. She's driving me nuts! What do I do? 我最好的朋友是我的室友,可是我们在一起住的不太好。她快把我逼疯了。我...

  • 趣味英语第42期:怎样才能成为格兰芬多

    Lyndan Armytage asks: 林丹阿米蒂奇问道: what does it take to become a Gryffindor at Hogwarts? 怎样才能成为霍格沃茨魔法学校的格兰芬多? Well, I can't give you too much advice on that 'cause I have not seen those movies. 我...

  • 趣味英语第41期:别人取笑我的名字时我应该怎么办

    Jerome Valeska asks: 杰罗姆瓦丽丝卡问道: How do I handle my claustrophobia when inside a plane? 在飞机上怎么控制幽闭恐惧症? Ride the bus. That's about all I can tell you. 坐巴士吧。我只能告诉你这些。 Listen to...

  • 趣味英语第40期:怎么能出现在体育赛事的大屏幕上

    Hooman parvizi asks: 胡曼帕维兹问道: I think my friend likes this girl in my class, but I'm only 92% sure oddly specific. How do I make sure whether he likes her or not? 我认为我朋友喜欢班里的一个女生,可是我只有92%的确定...

  • 趣味英语第39期:怎么能找到幸福

    Pussans wants to know: 普山想知道: How can I get to sleep when I have noisy neighbors? 有非常吵的邻居要怎么入睡? You start making noise as close to their house as possible and see how they like it. 你可以在尽可能靠近他们...

  • 趣味英语第38期:怎么让善妒的丈夫相信我

    Tiffany Blue wants to know: 蒂凡妮布鲁想知道: My husband is really jealous. How do I get him to relax and trust me? 我丈夫善妒。我怎么能让他放松下来,相信我? I have zero experience with this because I'm 17. 我才17岁,...

  • 趣味英语第37期:怎么让讨厌我的人成为我的朋友

    Anthony JESUS. Anthony Jesus. That's how I'm pronouncing it from now on. I know it might be Jess, but it's Anthony Jesus to me. 安东尼杰西。安东尼杰西。从现在开始我会这样读这个名字。我知道可能应该是Jess,不过我会...

  • 趣味英语第36期:怎么让前任嫉妒

    Amaya Slack asks... 阿弥亚斯拉克问道: How do I make my ex jealous? (snickers) 怎么让前任嫉妒?(窃笑) (disapprovingly) Oh no. (不以为然地)哦不。 You're not supposed to. That's just mean. 你不应该这样做。这样...
