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  • 趣味英语第245期:怎么成为迪斯尼公主

    Crazy purple slippers... I want those on my feet. 用户名是疯狂的紫色拖鞋,我想来一双。 How can I be a Disney princess? 怎么成为迪斯尼公主? Well, we're all Disney princesses in our heart. 在我们的心中,我们都是迪...

  • 趣味英语第244期:如何维持恋情

    Katelyn Roy inquires: 凯特琳罗伊问道: How do I make a relationship last? 如何维持恋情? Ooh. 哦。 That's impossible. Kidding! 那是不可能的。我开玩笑的! Don't be a stalker, don't be obsessed with that one person you're...

  • 趣味英语第243期:如何让别人在Instagram取消对我的屏蔽

    Sylvia Nana asks: Sylvia Nana问道: How do I get someone to unblock me on Instagram? 如何让别人在Instagram取消对我的屏蔽? I have no idea what Instagram is. I'm computer illiterate. 我不知道Instagram是什么。我是电脑白痴。...

  • 趣味英语第242期:看电影时怎样让旁边的人安静下来

    AuRa Dawesyyy says: AuRa Dawesyyy问道: How can I get people near me to be quiet while I'm at the movies? (grumbles) 看电影时怎样让旁边的人安静下来?(嘟囔) Go with a very large group of people so you can surround yourself wit...

  • 趣味英语第241期:如何让乐队重组

    Thomas Dixon, I like your name. 托马斯迪克森,我喜欢你的名字。 How do you get a band back together? 如何让乐队重组? Write a letter to them and say, Please get your band back together. 给他们写封信,说请重组你的乐队...

  • 趣味英语第240期:怎么赢得"饥饿游戏"

    Ashikan Rabbi: 阿希坎拉比问道: How do I win the Hunger Games? 怎么赢得饥饿游戏? I really don't know because I've never watched that movie. I'm sure it's not about being hungry. 我真的不知道,因为我没看过那部电影。但...

  • 趣味英语第239期:如何拒绝一个女孩而不伤害她的感情

    Walter Vasqyez says: 沃尔特瓦斯耶兹问道: How do you reject a girl without hurting her feelings? 如何拒绝一个女孩而不伤害她的感情? Ooh. Owch. 哦。哦。 Just gonna have to pretend that you died. Go hide for a while. 假装...

  • 趣味英语第238期:如何在搞笑时刻保持严肃表情

    Avasquez4: Avasquez4问道: How do you keep a straight face during a funny moment? 如何在搞笑时刻保持严肃表情? Laugh! It's a funny moment. Laugh! 笑吧!这是开心的时刻。尽情笑吧! You have to control your face. That's...

  • 趣味英语第237期:如何让名人在推特上关注我

    Ruman Hassan wants to know: 鲁曼哈桑想知道: How do I get a famous person to follow me on Twitter? 如何让名人在推特上关注我? I don't know. I don't Twitter. 我不知道。我不玩推特。 If you become a famous person, he will...

  • 趣味英语第236期:如何应对失去宠物的情况

    Sharon S wants to know: Sharon S想知道: How do you handle losing a pet? 如何应对失去宠物的情况? Aww. 啊。 Ooh, that's a tough one. 哦,这很难。 Talk to your parents about it. They'll know what to do. 和你的父母谈谈。他...

  • 趣味英语第235期:怎么让自已像夏洛克·福尔摩斯一样聪明

    Jordan DeWester asks: 乔丹德韦斯特问道: How can I make myself as smart as Sherlock Holmes? 怎么让自已像夏洛克福尔摩斯一样聪明? Try acting like him. Read the books, watch the show, see what he does. Maybe that'll rub off o...

  • 趣味英语第234期:如何判断一个男人是否喜欢你?

    Aqua_Sophia says: Aqua_Sophia问道: How can you tell if a guy likes you? 如何判断一个男人是否喜欢你? Are you serious? 你是认真的吗? You can't really tell unless you ask him. So go ask him. But you might get embarrassed, so I...

  • 趣味英语第233期:怎么能更好地给自已化妆

    Sheethal101 wants to know... Sheethal101想知道: How do I get better at applying my own makeup? 怎么能更好地给自已化妆? Honey, if you don't know how to use makeup, don't wear makeup. 亲爱的,如果你不知道如何化妆,那就不...

  • 趣味英语第232期:脏牛仔裤能穿多长时间再洗?

    How is there a guy named sampath? 怎么会有人叫萨姆帕斯? Sampath Widushan asks... 萨姆帕斯威杜山问道: How long can I wear dirty jeans before having to wash them? 在不得不洗之前,脏牛仔裤能穿多长时间? (incredu...

  • 趣味英语第231期:如何在压力大的时候让自已冷静下来?

    Lili CM wants to know... Lili CM想知道: How do I calm myself down when I'm stressed out? 如何在压力大的时候让自已冷静下来? I can only tell you what I do, and that is I think about the universe and that the universe is a peacefu...
