Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.
今天我来给大家分享一个救场的短语。为什么说救场呢?因为很多时候啊,我们因为说的太快,或者其他原因会说错话,这时候呢,就会产生口误。那这时候怎么办呢?总不能假装没有发生这回事吧?你当然要纠正自己了。中文我们会说,不好意思,刚刚口误了。英语要怎么说呢?在这里跟大家分享两种方法,都非常常用,一种是叫做It was a slip of the tongue.Slip原本是指小的差错,a small mistake.字面意思理解这个短语呢,就像是说,一个舌头的差错,其实就是口误, it means something that you say by accident when you intended to say something else.For example. I miss my ex-girlfriend so badly that I just called my new girlfriend my ex's name, which was terrible by the way. She, I mean my new girlfriend, was like pissed off for sure. Later I realized that was just a huge mistake. So I said, "my apologies, that was definitely a slip of my tongue." 赶紧说这是一个口误。你把现女友的名字叫错了,你把它叫成了前女友的名字,这就是非常严重的问题。当然了,这个例子非常的不好。
另一种说法呢,就是说用I mean来解释,通常呢,这个词组的用法跟在说错的东西后面,加以解释说明。Still the same example, you said to your girlfriend like "I love you, Kaitlyn.". however, Kaitlyn is your ex-girlfriend. Kathrine is your new girlfriend. In this situation, you might wanna say, "I love you, Kaitlyn, nonono, I mean, Kathrine." Still, boys, avoid doing this. This is so bad, this isn't good at all. Also, I just wanna share another stuff with you guys, which is called Freudian slip. It means soothing1 you say by mistake but which is believed to show your true thoughts.我刚刚说的就是另一个跟大家分享的东西,这个叫弗洛伊德式错误。弗洛伊德呢大家都听过,梦的解析。就是一名心理学家,他说,这个是一个潜意识理论。你说出去的口误,事实上就是你内心的真正想法。当然了这个是别人的看法,你也可以有不同意见。对吧?
So this is pretty much it for today's class. I'll see you guys next time, bye.

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adj.慰藉的;使人宽心的;镇静的 | |
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