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  • 时差N小时 科学家深度研究恐龙巢穴

    Tons of dinosaur fossils have been unearthed over the last hundred years. 过去的一百年来,大量恐龙化石被发掘。 These long-buriedbones tell us about the physical build and eating habits of dinosaurs. 这些长埋的骨头告诉我们恐...

  • 时差N小时 宇宙的颜色

    The scientists used a computer program to analyze the results obtained with a modern prism. 科学家们用电脑程序来分析这些通过这个现代棱镜得到的结果。 Then they replaced each wavelength with the color the human eye sees at t...

  • 时差N小时 有名的西红柿辩论

    In 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case that hinged onwhether the tomato was a fruit or a vegetable. 1893年,美国最高法院有一场关于西红柿到底是水果还是蔬菜的案子。 According to botanists, most of the edible parts of...

  • 时差N小时 遗传错误和大脑理论

    When cells divide to create copies of themselves or to makesperm and eggs, there is always a chance of genetic error. 当细胞分裂自我复制或者生成精子和卵子时,总有机会发生遗传错误。 Gene duplication, when a regular genei...

  • 时差N小时 短嘴鳄可以再长牙齿

    Fun fact about alligators:they can regrow any of their eightyteeth up to fifty times. 关于短嘴鳄的有趣的事实:它们的八十颗牙齿中任一一颗牙都可以重新生长五十次。 Which is pretty impressive, especially compared to u...

  • 时差N小时 海洋生物有趣的睡觉习惯

    Many people know that marine mammals, like whales, porpoises and dolphins, breathe air, like wedo. 大多数人都知道些海洋哺乳动物,比如鲸鱼,鼠海豚和海豚。它们和我们一样都要呼吸空气。 But, many people don't know...

  • 时差N小时 猫每年杀死37亿只禽类

    It's time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: 又到了《科学一刻》听众来信时间了。一位听众写道: Dear A Moment of Science, 亲爱的《科学一刻》栏目组: I know that cats kill a lot of wil...

  • 时差N小时 与做道德决策有关的大脑部分

    Yael, suppose there's a trolley that's about to run over five people. 雅艾尔,假设一辆有轨电车将要撞上五个人。 Do you flip the switch that will steer the trolley onto a different track if that means only one person will die? 这时扳...

  • 时差N小时 当香蕉开始腐坏

    Those spots are a natural part of the ripening process. 其实那些斑点是香蕉成熟过程中的自然组成部分。 You see, just like all fresh produce, your bananas are alive. 你知道,和所有的新鲜果蔬一样,香蕉是活的。 T...

  • 时差N小时 夏风令我爽

    I'd like to look into your past, and predict the future. 我想看看你的过去,预测未来。 I bet that the last time you went to the beach, the wind was blowing in off the water. 我敢打赌,你最后一次去海滩的时候,海风正从水面...

  • 时差N小时 NASA教你如何防滑

    Hydroplaning happens when a vehicle moves too quickly along a wet road. A layer of water accumulates under the tires; they lift up and lose traction; the driver loses control. 当车辆在潮湿的路面上开得太快时会出现打滑现象。轮胎下...

  • 时差N小时 种族类型及记忆

    Although there has been much debate about whether race has a biological or social basis, the bottom line is that race is a psychological reality for many people. 虽然对于种族歧视究竟是关于生物种群还是社会因素仍然未果,但至...

  • 时差N小时 洗手的重要性

    Today, it's time once again for another Gross Fact of the Month. 今天的节目又到了令人生厌话题的时刻。 Uh oh! I hope no one's eating! 我希望此时此刻没人正在用餐。 Okay, ready? In a recent study of people passing through...

  • 时差N小时 睡觉不打喷嚏

    The signs are unmistakable: the eyes water, the chest heaves, the nose twitches, the body tenses, suspense builds... until finally a sneeze blasts forth, concluding the drama. 眼睛湿润,胸部隆起,鼻子一阵抽搐,身体紧绷,就这样待...

  • 时差N小时 怎么长肌肉?

    You probably know that the way to stronger muscles is a weight or resistance training program, 你可能知道要长肌肉需要合适的重量或阻力训练计划, but do you know how weight lifting increases strength? 但你知道举重也能长肌肉...
