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  • 时差N小时 当心短信脖缠身

    Remember when the Blackberry was all the rage, and people worried about straining their thumbstyping on that tiny keyboard? 记不记得当初黑莓手机风行一时的时候,人们担心在这么小的键盘上敲击键盘会造成拇指劳损?...

  • 时差N小时 运动会引发头痛吗?

    Dear A Moment of Science,I like to exercise, but I suffer from migraines and worry that getting my sweat on at the gymcould trigger a headache. 亲爱的科学一刻:我喜欢运动,但我患有偏头痛,担心去健身房运动到出汗会引发...

  • 时差N小时 利刃特别在何处

    Everyone knows that a sharp knife cuts better than a dull one,but do you know why, exactly? 众所周知,锋利的刀刃的切割性远胜钝刀,但你知道确切原因吗? The purpose of the cutting edge of a knife is to concentrate the force...

  • 时差N小时 为何星星会闪烁

    If you've ever glanced skyward on a clear evening, you've probably noticed with somewonderment the sheer numbers of stars. 你是否在某个晴朗的夜晚抬头瞥见夜空后惊奇地发现满天繁星。 Some are tiny, barely visible points. 有些...

  • 时差N小时 植物的自我防御

    Plants may appear to be helpless in the face of hungry,toothy animals but many plants have evolved interesting systems of self-defense. 植物在饥饿的咀齿动物面前似乎毫无防御,然而许多植物已经进化出了有趣的自我保护体...

  • 时差N小时 移动的拇指

    Philosophers spend a lot of time pointing out that we don't really see the world and that what we really see is what our brains make of the world. 哲学家花大把时间所进行的研究指出我们并未真正看到这个世界,我们真正看到...

  • 时差N小时 熏肉能治流鼻血吗?

    Time to go the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: 接下来是《科学一刻》听众来信时间。我们的一位听众写道: Dear A Moment of Science,I've heard that pork can be used to stop a nosebleed. 亲爱的《科学一刻》栏...

  • 时差N小时 暴力电玩会改变我们的大脑么?

    Video games are a huge industry kids and young adults spend more time playing them than watching movies or TV. 电子游戏是十分巨大的产业,儿童和年轻人在这上面花费了远比看电影和电视更多的时间。 And some of the mo...

  • 时差N小时 寒冷的晒伤

    A listener from Ontario, California wrote to A Moment of Science with a question her sons hadasked her. 一位来自加利福尼亚安大略的听众我们给写信询问她儿子们遇到的问题。 The boys wondered why is it that when you get sun...

  • 时差N小时 饥饿的千层面

    So you made lasagna last night, and it was delicious. 你昨晚做了千层面,之后享用了一顿大餐。 You saved the leftovers by wrapping aluminum foil over the top of the pan, and putting it in the fridge. 大快朵颐之后,你将剩下的...

  • 时差N小时 高压锅烹饪快速的窍门

    When you boil potatoes on the stove top, it can take half an hour to cook them till tender. 如果使用灶台上烹煮土豆,要半小时才能煮软。 But, when you boil them in a pressure cooker, instead presto,they're ready in about five minut...

  • 时差N小时 睁一只眼睡觉

    There's an old saying that if you think you're in danger, you might ought to sleep with one eye open. 老话讲的好,如果你发觉自己处于危险之中,你会只睁着一只眼睡觉。 Well it turns out that many kinds of birds do just tha...

  • 时差N小时 恐惧闻起来像糖

    Scientists have suspected for many years that fish might giveoff a chemical signal to warn other fish about the presence of predators. 多年来科学家们一直都在怀疑鱼会释放一种化学信号来警告其他鱼类捕食者的出现。 Whe...

  • 时差N小时 抑郁可能对进化有好处

    Feeling down? You're not alone. 你有感到很失落吗?不只你这样。 If depression seems pretty common, it is. 抑郁看起来很普遍,事实上也是如此。 One in every ten adults suffers from depression. 每十个成年人里就有一个...

  • 时差N小时 声速测量

    In the 17th century, the French scientist Pierre Gassendi knewthat light traveled faster than sound. 在17世纪时,法国科学家皮埃尔伽桑狄已经知道光速要比声速快。 When a gun fired far away, he could see the flash of gunshotlo...
