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  • 时差N小时 人体如何造血?

    If blood didn't circulate through our bodies, carrying oxygenand nutrients, we wouldn't be able to live. 如果血液不能在我们身体内循环,为人体输送氧气和营养,我们便无法存活。 Blood is so important to life that the bod...

  • 时差N小时 吸烟的代价

    First of all, you're certainly not doing your family and friends a favor by deliberately lowering yourlife expectancy. 首先,刻意降低你的预期寿命,并不是在帮你家人和朋友的忙。 In fact, your family will have to absorb the l...

  • 时差N小时 美国人的头越来越大了

    The story of human evolution goes something like this: 人类进化的过程大概是这样: Millionsof years ago, homo sapiens began to evolve from the prehistoric ancestor we share with ourmonkey cousins. 数百万年以前,我们和猿类共同的...

  • 时差N小时 每日一个洋葱就能和医生说再见吗?

    You see, Don,an onion gets it distinctive taste from compounds that contain sulfur atoms. 你瞧,洋葱的特殊味道来源于含有硫离子的复合物, When you slice anonion, you damage its cells, triggering a chemical reaction that converts...

  • 时差N小时 静脉血管的秘密

    Veins are pretty important. 血管相当的重要。 After all, they carry blood fromvarious parts of the body to the heart. 毕竟,它们从身体的各个部分向心脏运输血液。 But for all their significance, veins are modest, too. 虽然很...

  • 时差N小时 太空中进餐

    In the 1960s, during the earliest space flights, no one knew exactly how weightlessness would affect eating and drinking. 早在20世纪60年代,也就是人类最早开始太空飞行时期,没人真正知道失重会对饮食造成多大的影响...

  • 时差N小时 树叶与太阳能板

    What do leaves and solar panels have in common? 树叶和太阳能板有哪些共同之处呢? Both absorb sunlight and turn it into energy. 它们都能吸收阳光并将之转换成能量。 But while solar panels typically have smooth surfaces,l...

  • 时差N小时 你能沉迷于巧克力吗?

    As Robert Palmer sang in the mid 80s,You might as well faceit, you're addicted to love. 80年代中期的罗伯特帕尔默曾经唱道:承认吧,你已坠入爱河。 While that may or may not be true depending on who you are, it's nosecret that...

  • 时差N小时 鱼儿喝水吗?

    Water gets into a fish's body through osmosis, the process in which water diffuses from a higher to a lower concentration. 水通过渗透作用进入鱼儿的身体,在这一过程中,水从高浓度的地方扩散至低浓度的地方。 For ex...

  • 时差N小时 蜘蛛丝是什么?

    What's five times as strong as steel, twice as tough as Kevlar,and can be stretched over thirty percent in length withoutbreaking? 什么东西的强度是钢的5倍?什么东西的韧性是凯夫拉的2倍?什么东西能够拉长到自身长度的...

  • 时差N小时 我们为什么要刷牙?

    Humans may be no less a part of the animal kingdom than lions,tigers and bears, but certain things set us apart. 或许人类的动物属性一点也不比狮子、老虎和熊少,但某些特征却将我们与它们区别开来。 For instance,alt...

  • 时差N小时 白金为何是白色的?

    Many people associate the metal gold with the color gold. 很多人都认为金子就应该是金色。 But,some gold jewelry is not golden at all: it's white. 但一些黄金首饰的颜色并不是金色,而是白色。 Gold is one of the heavies...

  • 时差N小时 粉刺的学问

    Acne:the scourge of adolescence. 粉刺:青春期的灾难。 Most people endure it atsome point, and can't wait to be rid of the combination of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, andpustules that comprise the skin condition that affects over 80% of te...

  • 时差N小时 午休的学问

    When you go back to work or class after lunch, why is it sohard to stay awake? 当我们用完午餐回去工作或上课时,为什么很难保持清醒呢? Although we get energy from food, we also use lots of energy to digest it. 尽管我们从食...

  • 时差N小时 亚硫酸盐是什么?

    You've just opened a bottle of wine for dinner. 设想一下,你在晚餐时刚刚打开了一瓶酒, On the label,you see these words: Contains Sulfites. 你会在酒瓶的标签上看到:含亚硫酸盐。 What are sulfites? 亚硫酸盐是什么...
