商务口语天天说 怎样磋商质量问题
第一句:Closer inspection by the health officers showed that the canned fruit was considered unfit for human consumption. 经过食品健康检验人员的认真检验,贵方的水果罐头不能食用。 A: Closer inspection by the health offi
商务口语天天说 怎样磋商装货问题
第一句:When taking delivery, we found that the cargo had been seriously wet by fresh water and putrefied. 提货时我们发现货物被水打湿并且已经腐烂了。 A: So what's wrong with our goods? 我们的货物怎么了? B: When taki
商务口语天天说 怎样提出货物受损
第一句:The goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in a damaged condition. 我们2月12日定的货物抵岸时已经受损了。 A: Mr. Wang, have you received our goods? 王先生,你收到我们的货物了吗? B: Yes. 是的。 A: I
商务口语天天说 怎样提出技术要求
第一句:The technology we acquire should be truly advanced. 我们要求的技术应该是极其先进的。 A: Do you have any special requirements? 还有什么特殊需求吗? B: Yes. We have listed some. 是的。我们列了一些。 A: OK
商务口语天天说 怎样提出要求技术资料
第一句:You should supply us with advanced techniques. 你们应该给我方提供最先进的技术。 A: You should supply us with advanced techniques. 你们应该给我方提供最先进的技术。 B: No problem. 没问题。 A: And also the
商务口语天天说 如何表示欢迎
第一句:Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! A: Welcome to China! Is this your first trip to China? 欢迎来到中国!这是你们首次来中国旅行吗? B: No, we visit China frequently. 不,我们常来中国访问。 第二句:Le
商务口语天天说 怎样谈论提成率
第一句:The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. 技术转让费按提成收取。 A: What's your requirements? 你们有什么要求吗? B: The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. 技术转让费按提成收取。
商务口语天天说 怎样要求持续引进技术
第一句:To help our joint venture, we hope that you would keep supplying us with advanced management techniques and technologies. 为了有利于我们的合资,我们希望贵方能够不断向我方提供先进的管理技术。 A: To help ou
商务口语天天说 怎样建议继续讨论
第一句:We are satisfied with the terms of this contract for the most part, but we feel that your terms of payment are too severe. 我们对合同里的大多数条款很满意,但是我认为贵方的支付条件太苛刻了。 A: We are satis
商务口语天天说 怎样提出做改动
第一句:After studying your draft contract we found it necessary to make a few changes. 认真研究了你们的合同样本后,我们认为有必要做一些改动。 A: Since both of us are in agreement on all the terms, shall we sign the con
商务口语天天说 怎样磋商合同
第一句:Mr. White, we didn't add that term into our contract. 怀特先生,我们没有在我方合同中加入这一点。 A: This agreement is made both in Chinese and English. 我们的协议有汉语和英语两个版本。 B: Yes, and the
商务口语天天说 怎样讨论生效时间
第一句:Mr. Wang, I am sorry to tell you that we can't sign the contract with you next Monday. 王先生,很抱歉告知您我们不能在下周一和贵公司签署合同。 A: Mr. Wang, I am sorry to tell you that we can't sign the contract w
商务口语天天说 怎样最后确定合同
第一句:If you fail to make the delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, we shall have the right to cancel the contract. 如果贵方没有在合同规定的装船时间后10周内发货,我方有权取消合
商务口语天天说 怎样表示接受索赔
第一句:Your goods arrived in damaged condition. 贵方的货物到达我方时受损。 A: What's the matter? 怎么了? B: Your goods arrived in damaged condition. 贵方的货物到达我方时受损严重。 A: Yes, we have already looked i
商务口语天天说 怎样提出仲裁结果
第一句:Must we accept the arbitration result? 我们必须接受仲裁结果吗? A: Do you have any questions? 您有什么问题吗? B: Yes. Must we accept the arbitration result? 是的。我们必须接受仲裁结果吗? A: The decisio
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