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  • 万物简史 第470期:生命在前进(12) Gould's book was published in 1989 to general critical acclaim and was a great commercial success. 古尔德的《奇异的生命》于1989年出版,旋即引起议论纷纷,在商业上是个巨大的成功。 What wasn't generally known was tha
  • 万物简史 第471期:生命在前进(13) Sprigg submitted a paper to Nature, but it was turned down. 斯普里格给《自然》杂志写了一篇论文,但是没有被采用。 He read it instead at the next annual meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement
  • 万物简史 第472期:生命在前进(14) Today some of Sprigg's original Ediacaran specimens, along with many of the other fifteen hundred specimens that have been found throughout the Flinders Range since that time, 今天,斯普里格的埃迪亚卡拉标本原件,与自那以后在整个
  • 万物简史 第473期:生命在前进(15) When we go back to the Precambrian the differences between plants and animals were probably even less clear, says Fortey. 要是我们回到寒武纪之前,植物和动物的区别很可能更不明确,福泰说, There isn't any rule that says
  • 万物简史 第474期:生命在前进(16) From the first there were a number of scientists who doubted the account that Steve Gould had presented, 从一开始,许多科学家就对斯蒂芬杰伊古尔德的陈说表示怀疑, however much they admired the manner of its delivery, Fortey
  • 万物简史 第475期:生命在前进(17) Writing in the journal Evolution, Dawkins attacked Gould's assertions that evolution in the Cambrian was a different kind of process from today 道金斯在《进化》杂志上的文章里,攻击古尔德关于寒武纪的进化不同于今天的进
  • 万物简史 第476期:生命在前进(18) I have never encountered such s in a book by a professional, Fortey wrote later. 一位专业人员在书里竟然如此怒气冲冲,我可从来没有碰到过,福泰后来写道, The casual reader of The Crucible of Creation, unaware of the h
  • 万物简史 第477期:生命在前进(19) The Burgess creatures, they believed, weren't as strange and various as they appeared at first sight. 他们认为,布尔吉斯动物群并不像初看起来那么古怪,那么多种多样。 They were often no stranger than trilobites, Fortey sa
  • 万物简史 第478期:生命在前进(20) Many of the Burgess specimens have now been assigned to living phyla just where Walcott put them in the first place. 许多布尔吉斯标本现在已经归到活着的动物的门里就是沃尔科特最初放置它们的地方。 Hallucigenia and s
  • 万物简史 第479期:生命在前进(21) Once again it was trilobites that provided the clue, 又是三叶虫提供了线索, in particular that seemingly mystifying appearance of different types of trilobite in widely scattered locations around the globe, all at more or less the same tim
  • 万物简史 第480期:生命在前进(22) The Cambrian explosion, if that's the word for it, probably was more an increase in size than a sudden appearance of new body types, Fortey says. 寒武纪大爆发,如果可以这么称呼的话,更可能是个儿变大,而不是新体形的突然
  • 万物简史 第481期:多灾多难的生命进程(1) 22 Good-bye To All That 第二十二章 多灾多难的生命进程 When you consider it from a human perspective, and clearly it would be difficult for us to do otherwise, life is an odd thing. 要是你从人的角度去考虑生命这个问题,显
  • 万物简史 第482期:多灾多难的生命进程(2) Like most things that thrive in harsh environments, lichens are slow-growing. 像大多数在恶劣条件下茁壮成长的东西一样,地衣长得很慢。 It may take a lichen more than half a century to attain the dimensions of a shirt button. 地
  • 万物简史 第483期:多灾多难的生命进程(3) If you imagine the 4,500-million-odd years of Earth's history compressed into a normal earthly day, 请你想像一下。把地球的45亿年历史压缩成普通的一天。 then life begins very early, about 4 A.M., with the rise of the first simpl
  • 万物简史 第484期:多灾多难的生命进程(4) Throughout this greatly speeded-up day continents slide about and bang together at a clip that seems positively reckless. 在这大大压缩的一天中,大陆到处移动,以似乎不顾一切的速度砰地撞在一起。 Mountains rise and mel