[00:03.92]Um, good, Pam. Thanks for asking. 很好,白梅,谢谢你的关心
[00:07.12]I recently got transferred to triage. 我最近调到了分流部
[00:09.80]Is that better than a nurse? 那比做护士好吗?
[00:11.80]No, Mom, triage is a unit of the ER. That's where all the top nurses work. 分流部是急症室的一个部门 那里都是高级护士
[00:15.08]- Well... - No. They do. - 哦... - 不,是真的
[00:21.64]Not many men in your profession. 你那行男人不多吧?
[00:25.92]No, Jack1. Not traditionally. 不多,杰克,传统上不多
[00:30.48]Pam, did you know that your father started his own business? 白梅,你知道 你爸自己开始做生意了吗?
[00:34.68]Really? Dad, that's great! 真的?爸爸,太好了!
[00:36.96]Yes, I thought with my experience, why let retirement2 stop me? 我想我有经验 为什么让退休阻止我呢?
[00:42.60]I really admire that. 我真的很佩服
[00:43.20]So what is it? What's...? What's the new venture? 那你的...新业务是什么呢?
[00:46.36]Oh, let me ask you a question, Greg. 让我问你一个问题,阿基
[00:50.88]Let's say you have kids and you wanna get out of the house, you know? 假设你有孩子,你想出去
[00:53.52]So you hire a baby-sitter, someone you think you can trust. 于是你请来一个 以为可以信赖的保姆
[00:58.32]References, experience - all check out fine. 已经查过了她的档案资料
[01:02.76]But, how do you know for certain 可是,你怎么能确定
[01:04.64]that your loved ones are safe with this stranger? 你的宝宝在她手中安全呢?
[01:09.24]I mean, can you ever really trust another human being, Greg? 你真的能信任另一个人吗?
[01:13.60]Sure. I think so. 当然,我能
[01:15.88]No. The answer is you cannot. 不,答案是你不能
[01:21.56]Let me show you something. 让我给你看点东西
[01:22.36]Take a look at this, Greg. 看看这个,阿基
[01:29.84]What's this look like to you? 这个看起来像什么?
[01:32.52]It looks like a teddy bear. 这是只熊宝宝
[01:34.48]Smile. You're on nanny camera! 笑一笑 你被保姆摄影机拍到了
[01:37.56]I've seen these advertised on TV. 我在电视广告上见过这东西
[01:38.20]Oh! Oh!
[01:40.64]Not like this you haven't. Take a look. 不是这样的,好好看看
[01:44.64]- Oh, my gosh. - Oh. 我的天啊
[01:45.44]Hi. Where's the other camera? 另一个摄影机在哪儿?
[01:48.92]Right here in this decorative3 artifact. 就在这里,藏在装饰品中
[01:53.68]- That's great. - Our cameras are motion activated4. - 真神奇 - 摄影机全是动作启动的
[01:55.48]They tape as soon as they sense any movement. 感应到动作便录影
[01:57.24]We can hide them in mirrors, lamps, you name it. 可藏在镜子里、灯里,你说吧
[02:01.84]So no matter where you go... we'll be watching you. 因此无论你在哪里... 我们都在监视你
[02:11.60]Couldn't this be construed5 as illegal? Invasion of privacy? 这不违法吗?不算侵犯私隐吗?
[02:16.64]Greg, when you have little Fockers running around, 当你有自己的孩子满屋跑时
[02:18.40]you'll see the need for protection. 你就会明白这种保护的需要
[02:21.32](Pam ) Yeah. 对
[02:26.80]- Impressive, isn't it? - Quite. - 很厉害,对吧? - 对
[02:30.36]- 我去接 - 不,我去
[02:38.12]Any problem with the documents? 文件有问题吗?
[02:39.00]Good. I'll meet you at the Oyster6 Bay drugstore in about 20 minutes. 好,二十分钟后药房见
[02:43.00]You gotta be careful if you call here. 你打来时要小心
[02:47.84]If I don't answer, use a southern accent and ask for the vegetarian7 special. 要是别人接 你就装南方口音
[02:54.12](Pam ) And the wedding's on Sunday? 婚礼就在星期天?
[02:54.72]Oh, that wasn't the airline, was it? 不是航空公司打来的吧?
[02:57.20]No, wrong number. We're out of Collins, so I'll go to the store. 不,打错电话了 没有鸡尾酒了,我出去买
[03:04.16]I thought I just bought some. 我记得我刚买了一些
[03:04.64]You know how that stuff just goes. Back in a jif. 你知道这东西下得很快 我马上回来
[03:09.52]Well, why doesn't Greg go with you? 不如叫阿基跟你去吧?
[03:12.00]You'll need something in case your suitcase doesn't show up. 你的行李找不到 你得买些日用品
[03:17.68]- I'm sure it'll show up. - Yeah. - 肯定会找到的 - 是啊
[03:18.28]Don't take a chance. You don't even have a toothbrush. Go on. 以防万一嘛,你连牙刷也没有
[03:24.64]Yeah. 对
[03:24.92]Ok, unless you want some privacy. 如果你不愿意有人在旁边
[03:27.52]Why would I need privacy? 我为什么会不愿意?
[03:30.68]No, I didn't...think you would. 不,我不认为...你会那样
[03:33.28]Ok, let's head out. 好,那么走吧
[03:37.56]- Bye. - Have fun, you guys. - 再见 - 玩开心点,先生们
[03:40.56]Pam, he seems wonderful! 白梅,他看起来真不错
[03:44.72]He is. We have the best time together. 是不错,我们在一起很开心
[03:46.28]- Now, have you two been mm-mm-mm? - Mother! - 你俩有没有... - 妈妈!
[03:47.08]Good. 好
[03:49.80]No! Thinking about anything permanent? 不!想过结婚吗?
[03:52.28]I don't know. We haven't discussed it, but, 不知道,我们没真正商量过
[03:55.44]I definitely have the feeling this is it. 但我有种感觉就是他
[04:03.80]Absolutely. 绝对喜欢
[04:11.88]It's a big day Saturday. 星期六很忙
[04:14.32]Yes. 对
[04:15.00]This car's... 这辆车...
[04:19.32]You got... What do you use, unleaded, regular unleaded? 用什么汽油?无铅、普通无铅?
[04:20.16]- Premium8. - Uh-huh. 高级汽油
[04:27.64]Hey, Jack, now that... Now that we have a second to talk, 杰克,现在我们有时间谈话了
[04:30.44]I just want you to know how much Pam means to me. 我想告诉你白梅对我多么重要
[04:36.92]I know we haven't been together that long, 我知道我俩交往没多长时间
[04:38.08]but the time that we have spent together has been incredible. 但我们在一起时非常开心
[04:41.36]Greg, how come you don't like cats? 阿基,你怎么会不喜欢猫?
[04:47.92]I don't not like cats. 我不是不喜欢猫
[04:50.04]I just...I just prefer dogs. 我只是...比较...喜欢狗
[04:53.72]I mean, I'm just more of a dog kind of... You know. 我只是那种比较喜欢狗的人
[04:56.96]You come home, they're... 你回家时它们会...
[04:59.36]wagging their little tails, happy to see you. 摇着小尾巴,见到你很开心

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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.退休,退职 | |
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adj.装饰的,可作装饰的 | |
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adj. 激活的 动词activate的过去式和过去分词 | |
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v.解释(陈述、行为等)( construe的过去式和过去分词 );翻译,作句法分析 | |
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n.牡蛎;沉默寡言的人 | |
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n.素食者;adj.素食的 | |
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n.加付款;赠品;adj.高级的;售价高的 | |
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