[00:01.72]How about another fishbowl for the lady? 阿丁,再给小姐来杯大蓝鸟
[00:01.80]- Why don't I just tap a keg for her? - Okay. -干脆开一桶酒给她喝吧? -好啊
[00:07.76]I think I' m getting kind of drunk. 我好像有点醉了
[00:09.56]- Are you getting drunk? - Getting there. -你咧? -快了
[00:12.04]So, what are you thinking? 你在想什么?
[00:19.40]What am I thinking? 我在想什么?
[00:25.56]Actually, I' m not drunk at all, Noreen, and neither are you... 其实我根本没醉 你也一样...
[00:27.56]...because there's no alcohol in these drinks. 因为饮料里根本没酒精
[00:30.24]Sadly, I' ve used this technique many times. 抱歉,这伎俩我用过很多次了
[00:34.92]It helps lovely tourists, such as yourself... 这能帮你这种外来客放松...
[00:35.68]...loosen up without impairing1 your ability to stay awake... 让人整晚都能保持清醒...
[00:39.88]...and have guilt2 -free, vigorous sex with me. 又毫无罪恶感的跟我上床
[00:44.84]- Wow. - I' m sorry. -哇 -抱歉
[00:45.76]I'm not a cliff diver, either. I'm afraid of heights. 我也不是跳崖手 我有惧高症
[00:49.40]Well, since it's my last night in town... 今天是我假期的最后一晚...
[00:53.08]...can I pretend you didn't just say that and still have sex with you anyway? 我能不能假装没听到这些 然后还是跟你上床?
[00:59.88]I can't do it. I' m sorry. 我做不到,对不起
[01:02.12]Well, can you at least point me in the direction of someone who can? 至少帮忙指点一下有谁能吧
[01:06.32]That guy over there could help you out. 那边那家伙应该帮得上忙
[01:12.80]- Isn't that a woman? - Jeez, I' m not really sure. -那不是个女人吗? -我不太确定耶
[01:18.48]But you're too drunk to notice, remember? Take care. 但你已醉到搞不清了,对吧? 保重
[01:29.20]- Hey, you. Aloha. - Aloha. -你,阿啰哈 -阿啰哈
[01:33.88]Not aloha, "hello," aloha, "goodbye." We're closed today. Go away. 这个阿啰哈不是你好,是再见 今天没开店,走开
[01:36.36]- What are you talking about? - Order up! -你在说什么啊? -上菜了!
[01:40.92]- Don't move. I have to talk to you. - Okay. -别动,我有话要跟你说 -知道啦
[01:42.88]- Hey! Tattoo-Face! - Hey, Peanut Butter Cups! -大花脸! -花生巧克力男!
[01:56.32]Hi. 嗨
[01:58.48]Hi. 嗨
[02:01.08]My fingers are extra fishy3 today, if you care to take a whiff. 我手指今天更腥了,想闻吗?
[02:05.96]What was that? 你说什么?
[02:08.68]I was petting my walrus4 all morning and thinking of you the whole time. 我早上帮海象擦澡 满脑子想的都是你
[02:12.12]Okay, pervert5. I think that you should leave. 变态狂,我想你该走了
[02:16.32]What? I was joking because of what we talked about yesterday. 我开玩笑啦,我们昨天聊过的
[02:18.76]Yesterday? 昨天?
[02:20.28]I've never even met you. 我根本没见过你
[02:23.08]- Nick! I need help! - Coming, Lucy. -大胖,快来帮我 -来了
[02:27.64]Nick, put that down. I'll handle it. 大胖,放下,我来处理
[02:29.80]- You, follow me. - Wait a... What's going on? -你跟我来 -怎么回事?
[02:34.68]I was kidding around with you! 我是开玩笑的啦!
[02:36.20]What's happening here? Is she crazy or something? 搞什么?她是不是疯了?
[02:39.96]Lucy is a very special person. Very different from other people. 露西很特别 她跟别人很不一样
[02:45.92]Okay. 好
[02:46.72]About a year ago, Lucy was in a terrible car accident. 一年前,露西出了车祸
[02:51.40]She and her father went up North Shore to get a pineapple. 她跟她爸去北边摘凤梨
[03:30.28]Her father broke some ribs6, but Lucy suffered a serious head injury. 她爸断了几根肋骨 但露西却有严重的脑部伤害
[03:37.92]She lost her short-term memory. 她丧失了短期记忆的能力
[03:39.28]So she can't remember anything? 所以她啥都记不得了?
[03:40.76]No, no, no, she has all of her long-term memory. 不,她的长期记忆都还在
[03:43.08]That's a different part of the brain. 那属于不同的脑部区块
[03:45.08]Her whole life, up to the night before the accident, she remembers. 她这一辈子 到出意外前一晚,她都记得
[03:50.44]She just can't retain any new information. 她只是无法再输入任何新资讯
[03:53.20]It's like her slate7 gets wiped clean every night while she sleeps. 她每晚睡着后就从新开始
[03:57.56]Hold on. This sounds like something I would tell a psycho girl... 这很像我跟疯女人分手的借口...
[04:02.44]...so she'd stop calling me. Am I the psycho girl 好让她别再缠我 我像疯子吗?
[04:04.48]I wish I was making this up! 我没有半句假话!
[04:06.76]She has no memory that she ever met you. 她不记得她见过你
[04:09.52]What about the pineapple -picking thing? 那摘凤梨的事呢?
[04:12.48]She says that every day, because each morning... 她每天都提,因为她每天醒来...
[04:13.72]...she wakes up thinking it's October 13th of last year. 就认为今天是去年10月13日
[04:18.60]She comes for breakfast because that's what she did on Sundays... 她会来吃早餐 因为她每周日都这样...
[04:20.48]...and October 13th was a Sunday. 10月13日刚好就是周日
[04:24.12]She has no idea it's more than a year later. 她不知道已经过一年了
[04:27.32]She reads the newspaper. 她会看报纸
[04:28.12]It's a special paper her father puts on their porch. 那是她爸特别准备的报纸
[04:31.56]It's from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed. 那是她出意外那天的报纸 他准备了好几百份
[04:37.64]Lucy does the same thing every day. 露西每天都做一样的事
[04:50.96]- Hello! - Back here. -嘿! -在后面
[04:53.08]- Hi, Dad! - Oh, hi, sweetie. -老爸! -小公主
[04:55.12]You got one without me. 你没等我就去摘了
[05:00.84]The lady at the farmers' market gave it to me as a birthday present. 市场的小姐送我当生日礼物

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v.损害,削弱( impair的现在分词 ) | |
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n.犯罪;内疚;过失,罪责 | |
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adj. 值得怀疑的 | |
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n.海象 | |
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n.堕落者,反常者;vt.误用,滥用;使人堕落,使入邪路 | |
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n.肋骨( rib的名词复数 );(船或屋顶等的)肋拱;肋骨状的东西;(织物的)凸条花纹 | |
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n.板岩,石板,石片,石板色,候选人名单;adj.暗蓝灰色的,含板岩的;vt.用石板覆盖,痛打,提名,预订 | |
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