[00:04.24]She won’t be a bother much longer 不会麻烦大家太久
[00:06.44]Well, all right, long as she stays from up underfoot 好吧,只要她不惹麻烦
[00:10.72]BENJAMIN; Right this way, ma’am 这里请,女士
[00:13.48]As hard as I try, I can’t remember her name 我怎么想都想不出她的名字
[00:17.96]Mrs. Lawson or Mrs. Hartford 劳逊太太或是哈特福太太
[00:21.16]Maybe it was Maple1 也许是梅波太太吧
[00:21.56]It’s funny how sometimes the people we remember the least... 有时候我们最不记得的人
[00:24.32]...make the greatest impression on us 我们对他们的印象最深
[00:26.52]I do remember she wore diamonds 我记得她戴钻戒
[00:30.28]And she always dressed in fine clothing, as if she was going out 总是盛装打扮,好像要出门
[00:33.48]Although she never did and nobody ever came to visit her 虽然她没出过门,没人来看过他
[00:40.00]She taught me to play the piano 她教我弹钢琴
[00:47.08]It’s not about how well you play 重点不是你弹得好不好
[00:51.68]It’s how you feel about what you’re playing 而是你在弹的时候的心情
[00:53.92]Try this 弹弹看
[01:11.32]You can’t help putting yourself in the music 你很自然就融入音乐之中
[01:23.28]There were many changes. Some you could see, some you couldn’t 我发生了很多变化 有些看得出来,有些看不出来
[01:27.52]Hair had started growing in all sorts of places... 我身上到处都开始长毛
[01:32.00]...along with other things 别的地方也开始变大
[01:34.00]I felt pretty good, considering 老实说,我觉得很棒
[01:39.96]Darling, the pain 乖女,我好痛
[01:40.84]All right, Mom. I’ll get the nurse 好,我去叫护士
[01:46.64](ON TV) Look at this eye. This is a major hurricane2 看看这个咙风眼 这是威力强大的咙风
[01:50.88]A slow hurricane, with maximum sustained3 winds of.... 移动得很慢,但是风速很强
[01:52.28]NURSE; Not doing too good? 很痛,是吗?
[01:56.80]Nobody seems to know whether to stay or leave 没人知道该走或该留?
[01:58.44]I’m gonna ride it out 我要撑过去
[02:01.92]There. That should make things much easier 来,这应该会让你舒服些
[02:08.88]Have you had a chance to say your goodbyes? 你有机会向她说再见吗?
[02:09.80]My father waited four hours for my brother to get here from Boger City 我爸等我哥赶来等了四小时
[02:15.48]Couldn’t go without him 没见到他就不肯走
[02:16.76]She seems like a sweet woman 她看起来人很好
[02:18.92]Yeah. I haven’t had as much time with her as I would’ve-- 是的 我一直没时间多陪陪她
[02:21.80]-You busy? I could use your help. NURSE; Excuse me - 我需要你帮忙 - 失陪
[02:24.72]Sure 没问题
[02:44.88]"Queenie would let me go with Mr. Daws..." 昆妮让我跟陶先生去贫穷角
[02:47.64]BENJAMIN; ...to Poverty4 Point to watch the boats go up and down the river 看船只在河面上航行
[02:48.72]These were hard times 那时候经济大萧条
[02:53.20]Did I ever tell you I was struck by lightning seven times? 我说过我被闪电打中七次吗?
[03:00.28]Once when I was in the field just tending to my cows 有一次我在农场照顾乳牛
[03:09.64]My fourth hand didn’t show up 有一个水手没来
[03:12.80]Anybody wanna make $2 for a day’s work around here? 有谁想要一天赚两块钱?
[03:19.00]What’s the matter? Nobody wants to do an honest day’s work... 怎么? 没有人想要
[03:21.56]-...for an honest day’s pay? -He never pays - 努力工作赚钱吗? - 他从来不付薪水
[03:25.72]Nobody wants a job? 没人想要工作?
[03:29.08]You got your sea legs about you, old man? 你不会晕船吧,老头
[03:29.40]I do 我想
[03:33.20]I think 不会,我猜吧
[03:39.56]Well, that’s good enough for me 那就行了
[03:43.72]Get your ass5 on board. We’ll sure as hell6 find out 你上了船我们就会知道
[03:47.28]<font size=18 color=#4096d1>(切尔西号 新奥尔良市,路易斯安那州)
[03:52.36]I was as happy as I could be 我开心得不得了
[03:53.04]I would do anything 我什么都肯做
[03:53.44]I need a volunteer! 有谁自愿?
[03:55.64]Yes, captain! 我,船长!
[03:58.92]Scrape off all this bird shit! 把鸟屎给我刷掉
[04:01.80]Right away, sir 马上来
[04:03.48]And I was actually gonna be paid for something I would’ve done for free 有人付我钱做我愿意免费做的事
[04:09.48]His name was Captain Mike Clark 他叫米高克拉克船长
[04:12.44]He’d been on a tugboat since he was 7 七岁就住在船上
[04:16.92]MIKE; Get moving on that 快去做事吧
[04:19.92]Come here 过来
[04:21.92]Can you, uh, still get it up? 你还能不能,举得起来?
[04:27.96]I do every morning 每天早上都举起来
[04:30.04]The old pole, huh? The high, hard one? 你每天早上都会升旗,是吧?
[04:33.64]I guess 我猜是吧
[04:37.28]When was the last time you had a woman? 你上次是几时有过女人?
[04:42.56]-Never. -Never? - 从来没有 - 从来没有?
[04:44.08]Not that I know of, sir 至少我不知道
[04:47.72]MIKE; Wait a minute, now 等一下
[04:49.52]You mean to say you’ve been on this earth however many years... 你是说你活了不晓得多少年
[04:54.08]...and you’ve never had a woman? 从来没有跟女人上过床?

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n.槭树,枫树,槭木 | |
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n.飓风,暴风,暴风雨 | |
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adj.持久的,持续的v.维持( sustain的过去式和过去分词 );支撑;忍受;长期保持 | |
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n.贫穷, 贫困, 贫乏, 缺少 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.地狱,阴间;用以咒骂或表示愤怒,不满 | |
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