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  • 《童话镇》第167期:埃阿斯 Henry look this has to stop for your own good. 亨利 为了你自己 快停止这些想法 You gotta wake up. 你该清醒了 This nonsense must end. 别再说这些胡话了 I don't know 不知道 Two of 'em. 两个M Get it yet? 现在知道了 Yes
  • 《童话镇》第168期:获得自由 It is her? Did she threaten you? 是因为她吗 她威胁你了 What could be strong enough to drown out your own conscience? 到底是什么能令你埋没自己的良知 I do not need to defend my professional decisions to you okay? 我没必要向你
  • 《童话镇》第169期:营救亨利 and I'll come collect them. 我会去带走他们 It'll be my fee. 这就算是报酬了 What will become of them? 他们会变成什么样 Worry you not. 你不必担心了 They'll be in safe hands and you'll be free. 他们会很安全 你也会获得
  • 《童话镇》第170期:他们是好人 Look can't we skip this tonight? 我们今晚能不这么干吗 I mean we don't need the money. 我们不缺钱 Everything isn't about money Jiminy. 这与金钱无关 杰米尼 It's about the principle. 这是原则问题 A commitment to excellence.
  • 《童话镇》第172期:爆破 I'm sorry. 对不起 You've given me no other choice. 你们让我别无选择 How frail do you think we are son? 你以为我们就那么脆弱吗 孩子 Rainwater won't hurt us. 雨水伤不了我们 I'm pretty good at sleight of hand Jiminy. 我很会
  • 《童话镇》第173期:感觉不对 Where are you going? 你要去哪里 Home. I'm done for the day. 回家 我下班了 Shouldn't you be resting? 你不是应该休养吗 Uh actually Dr. Whale wants me to start physical therapy. 威尔医生让我开始进行理疗 I'm supposed to wal
  • 《童话镇》第174期:强悍的母亲 What is that? 那是什么 It's an air shaft. 是个通风井 I'm... really... 我非常... really... 非常... really sorry. 非常抱歉 It's all right. 没关系 I just wanted to find proof. 我只是想证明些事情 No it's really all right Hen
  • 《童话镇》第175期:迷失自我 We need to lower someone straight down 需要把一个人垂直放下去 or the line will collapse the sides of the shaft. 不然绳子会卡在轴边上 I've got a harness. 我有装备 Lower me down. 放我下去 Oh no way. I'm going. 不行 我去
  • 《童话镇》第176期:监护权 Come on. I gotcha. 来吧 我抓住你了 Okay. All right. I got him. 好了 我抱住他了 You got him? Is he safe? 抱住了吗 他没事吧 Archie. 阿奇 It's gonna fall! 要掉下去了 I'm sorry! 对不起 It's okay! 没关系 Are you okay? 你还
  • 《童话镇》第177期:帮助他 I wish 我祈祷 I wish 我祈祷 I hear your wish. 我听到你祈祷了 You don't need to wish it so loudly. 你用不着那么大声 But it is not possible. 但那是不可能的 I cannot bring back the boy's parents. 我没办法让那孩子的父母
  • 《童话镇》第178期:假记忆 You know you had the same look on your face before we bought it too. 知道吗 你现在的表情跟我们买这房子之前一模一样 You couldn't see past the elderly windmill on the lawn 草坪上的那个老风车遮挡了你的视线 and said
  • 《童话镇》第179期:一厢情愿 Didn't we just try that? 我们不是试过了吗 And it woke him up. 所以他醒了 You're the ones who saved me right? 是你们救了我 对吧 Oh. Yeah I I guess. 是 没错 And uh you're also the only ones I know here. 你们也是我在这里唯
  • 《童话镇》第180期:除龙勇士 Whoever married Kathryn it's not me. 不论是谁娶的凯思琳 肯定不是现在的我 I didn't choose her. 我没选她 I'm choosing you. 我选的是你 Now I know you feel it. I can tell. 我知道你也有感觉 我看得出来 I know you thin
  • 《童话镇》第181期:交付定金 Careful. Remember what happened to Frederick. 当心 忘了弗雷德里克吗 别重蹈覆辙 Your sword. 举起你的剑 Consider it a down payment. 以此为定金吧 You'll get the rest when you deliver the dragon's head to me. 龙首送来之日就
  • 《童话镇》第182期:孪生弟弟 He was not a gift. 他不是礼物 He was my son. 他是我的儿子 A son I gave you. 是我给你的儿子 In a deal we made. 是我和你做交易换来的 You did me no favors. 你没帮我的忙 Yes! Yes I did. 不 我帮了 Shame you and the qu