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  • 《童话镇》第198期:一匹狼 You're just protecting yourself... 你只是设了一道心墙 with that wall you put up. 自我保护 Just because I don't get emotional over men. 我只是不对男人动情 You don't get emotional over men? 你没对男人动情 Uh the floral abus
  • 《童话镇》第199期:纯净的心灵 Good luck Sheriff. 祝你好运 警长 I do hope you find what you're looking for. 希望你能找到你想找的东西 They're letting animals in here now? 动物现在可以随意出入这里了吗 This isn't a slaughterhouse. 这里又不是屠宰场
  • 《童话镇》第200期:牢笼中的猎人 From where then? 那是在哪里呢 Another life. 前世 Do you have a name? 你有名字吗 Or shall I just call you the huntsman? 还是叫你猎人就可以呢 You're a tortured one aren't you huntsman? 你吃了很多苦吧 猎人 Is this because
  • 《童话镇》第201期:另一个世界 Mary Margaret how long have we known each other? 玛丽玛格丽特 我们认识多久了 Um... I don't know. A while. 我不知道 挺久了 Do you remember when we met? 你记得我们怎么认识的吗 No. Me neither. 不记得 我也不记得 I c
  • 《童话镇》第202期:他不是骑士 You're not a knight are you? 你不是骑士吧 What makes you say that? 你为什么这么说 无一例外 Without fail every one of my father's men has offered me condolences... 我父王麾下每个人都会让我节哀 Except you. 而你没有 Pl
  • 《童话镇》第203期:你是猎人 Sound this when you need help. 需要帮助时就吹这个 What? 什么 It's a whistle that will bring you aide. 这是个口哨 会给你招来帮手 You'll be led to safety. Now go. Run. 助你脱险 趁现在快跑吧 I don't understand. You're no
  • 《童话镇》第204期:寻找心脏 Okay. 好吧 So... how are you gonna do that? 那... 你要怎么做 I just need to follow the wolf. 跟随狼的指引 What? What wolf? 什么 什么狼 From my dreams. 我梦里的狼 He's gonna help me find my heart. 他会帮我找到心脏 I'm s
  • 《童话镇》第206期:复仇之旅 What's this? 这是什么 The girl wanted you to have it. 她希望我把它交给你 Read it to me. 念给我听 Dearest stepmother 我最亲爱的继母 by the time you read this I will be dead. 当你读到这封信的时候 我已经死了 I unde
  • 《童话镇》第207期:夺走我的一切 What are you doing here? 你在这干什么 Bringing flowers to my father's grave like I do every wednesday. 像我每周三都做的那样来我父亲的墓献花 Don't blame her. 别怪她 It's my fault. I wanted to look in there. 是我的错 是我
  • 《童话镇》第208期:囚禁笼中 I'm sorry. 对不起 I don't know what came over me how I lost my mind. 我不知道自己脑袋里在想什么 丧失理智 It's okay. 没关系 You were tired and feverish... 你很疲惫 还发着烧 and heartbroken. 而且伤透了心 I don't kno
  • 《童话镇》第209期:真正的警徽 Papa! Papa! 爸爸 爸爸 They've come for Morraine. 他们要抓走莫琳 No! No! No! No! Please. Please. 不 不 不要啊 求您了 求您了 No! Don't take her! Please. 不要 别带走她 求您了 No! You can't take her! 不行 你不能带走她
  • 《童话镇》第210期:自然死亡 I don't need anything. 我什么都不需要 As you wish. 随你便 I'll give them to Mayor Mills. 我会把这些东西送给米尔斯镇长 It seems like she was the closest thing he had to family. 似乎她是警长最亲近的人 I'm not sure abo
  • 《童话镇》第211期:警长之位 How does that even make sense? 这太荒谬了吧 Well, he's covered the sheriff's office for as long as anyone can remember. 他在警长办公室做事已经有很长时间了 And he'll do whatever you want him to. 而且他对你言听计从 You j
  • 《童话镇》第212期:亲吻我的靴子 Yes. 好的 Oh, thank you. Thank you. 谢谢 谢谢你 Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢你 谢谢你 谢谢你 Are we sure there's no other way? 真的没有别的办法了吗 Oh, I can't lose you, Bae. 我不能失去你 小比 You're all I got left, so
  • 《童话镇》第213期:存在的意义 I don't have any money to pay you. 我没有钱来回报你 I can think of another way. 你可以用别的方式报答我 You just feed me whatever you can spare, 你有什么剩饭剩菜给我点 and I'll find a way to be your benefactor. 我会想办