anachronism /əˈnkrənɪzəm/ It is an anachronism to say that William Shakespeare typed his manuscripts. -- error in chronology or time order ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ n. 年代的错误 如果说威廉...
panacea /ˌpnə'si:ə/ A two-week vacation is wonderful for fatigue, but will not cure baldness or improve vision. It is no panacea. -- remedy for all ills; cure-all; universal remedy ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
demagogue /ˈdeməgɒg/ No responsible leader, only a demagogue, would tell the people that, if elected, he will solve all their problems. -- political leader who stirs up people for personal advantage; rabble-rouser ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
aristocracy /ˌrɪ'stɒkrəsɪ/ 1. Before 1789, France was an aristocracy. 2. When the Revolution of 1789 began, many members of French aristocracy fled to other lands. -- 1. government or counttry governed, by a small privileged upper class 2. rulin...
autobiography /ˌɔ:təbaɪ'ɒɡrəfɪ/ In her autobiography The Story of My Life, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a young child. -- story of a person's life written by the person himself ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
essence /ˈesns/ The union and management held a lengthy meeting without getting to the essence of the men's dissatisfaction -- low wages. -- most necessary or significant part, aspect or feature; fundamental nature; core ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
dawdle /'dɔ:dl/ My sister dawdles over the dishes. Mother gets them done without wasting time. -- waste time; loiter; idle ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ vi. 浪费时间;闲荡 我妹妹洗起盘子来慢...
allegiance /əˈli:dʒəns/ He swore full allegiance to his nation. -- loyalty; devotion; faithfulnaess; fidelity ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ n. 忠诚 他宣誓赤胆效忠祖国。 ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
defiance /dɪ'faɪəns/ The union showed defiance of the court order against a strike by calling the workers off their jobs. -- refusal to obey authority; disposition to resist; state of opposition ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
denizen /'denɪzn/ On their safari(狩猎队), the hunters stalked lions, tigers and other ferocious denizens of the jungle. -- inhabitant; dweller; resident; occupant ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ n. 居民...
solicitude /səˈlɪsɪtju:d/ My brother's solicitude over getting into college ended when he received word that he had been accepted. -- anxious or excessive care; concern; anxiety ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌...
有关neglect忽视的词汇 1. default /diˈfɔ:lt/ 1. n. 拖欠;缺席;违约 2. vi. 拖欠;缺席 -- 1. failure to do something required; neglect; negligence 2. fail to pay or appear when due The Royals must be on the playing field by 4 p.m....
有关strength强壮的词汇 Section A: (保留原书内容,跟着音频君边读边记忆,体会单词的发音和用法) 1. bulwark /'bʊlwək/ n. 堡垒;保卫 -- wall-like defensive structure; rampart; defense; protection; safeguard Fo...
1. infirmity /ɪn'fɜ:mətɪ/ n. 虚弱 --weakness; feebleness; frailty On leaving the hospital, the patient felt almost too weak to walk, but he soon overcame this infirmity. 离开医院时,病人感到虚弱得几乎走不动,但他很快就克...
1. gamut /ˈgmət/ n. 整个范围;全部 --entire range of anything from one extreme to another After the test I thought at first I had done very well, then quite well, and finally, poorly. I ran the gamut from confidence to despair. 考试后起初...