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  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第149课:超速吃了罚单 Caught Speeding 超速吃了罚单 A:Hello, do you know why I have stopped you? A:你好,知道我为什么让你们停下吗? B:No. B:不知道。 A:You were driving at 80 miles per hour on a 65-mile-limit road. A:在限速65英里的公路上
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第150课:占有欲太强 Lesson 130 Regret 第130课 后悔 A:I still don't understand why you had to see your grandfather on Sunday evening. A:我还是搞不懂你为什么要在星期日晚上去看望你的爷爷。 B:Well, it was a family thing. I'd completely forgott
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第151课:外出度假 Lesson 131 Going out on Vacation 第131课 外出度假 A:We are gonna have a ten-day vacation.How will you spend it? A:就要放10天的长假了,你打算怎么过? B:I've made up my mind to travel to the Philippines with my whole family. B:我
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第152课:消息可靠吗 Lesson 132 Certainty Not Sure 第132课 肯定与不肯定 A:Are you positive Joan has passed her math exam? A:你可以肯定琼已经通过数学考试了吗? B:Absolutely. B:当然可以肯定。 A:How do you know about it? A:你是怎么知
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第153课:奥斯卡影片 Lesson 133 Oscar Films 第133课 奥斯卡电影 B:What's the film about? B:这部影片是关于什么的? A:It's about war,which is one of the twin themes for Oscar. It's said that the film has made a hit in many countries, It has attracted mil
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第154课:入乡随俗 Lesson 134 Compromise 第134课 妥协 A:What're you supposed to do now? A:你现在该怎么办呢? B:The only thing for me to do is to get on the bandwagon. B:我只能随大溜。 A:It can be taken as a way. A:这倒是个办法。 A:What
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第155课:恋爱与婚姻 Lesson 135 Love amp; Marriage 第135课 恋爱与婚姻 A:It seems to me that you have a crush on Sunny. A:好像你爱上桑尼了。 B:That's not true. We've been going out together. That's all. B:不是真的。我们只是一起出去而已。
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第156课:用笑脸迎接一切 Lesson 136 Feel Blue 第136课 悲伤 A:These days I feel blue. A:这些天来我感到很忧郁。 B:What's the matter? B:发生什么事了? A:I think everything of me all goes the wrong way. A:我认为什么事都跟我过不去。 B:I'm
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第157课:日有所思夜有所梦 Lesson 137 Dreams 第137课 梦想 A:Do you know a saying What you dream at night is what you were thinking in daytime? A:你听过日有所思,夜有所梦这句话吗? B:Come on, that's superstition, do you believe that? B:行了,那是迷信
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第158课:谈论八卦新闻 Lesson 138 Rumors 第138课 传闻 A:Shall we have lunch together? I've got something to tell you. A:我们能一起吃午饭吗?我有一些事要告诉你。 B:I'm on a diet and I only have two apples for lunch. But what's interesting that you
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第159课:电话咨询 Lesson 139 Make Calls 第139课 打电话 A:Know anything about the family? A:对那个家庭你有所了解吗? B:Yes,of course. B:当然了。 A:I'm trying to know if it is too expensive. A:我想知道这是不是太贵了? B:As I see it
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第160课:人的性格与潜力 Lesson 140 Characters of a Person 第140课 人的性格 A:What a busy week! A:这周真忙! B:Really! I've never seen so much work. B:真的!我从没做过如此多的工作。 A:Right. How are you going to spend your weekend? A:是啊。你
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第161课:火车旅行购票 Lesson 141 Travel by Train 第141课 火车旅行 A:What time does the train for Boston leave? A:去波士顿的火车什么时候开? B:9:25 on Track 12. B:九点二十五分,在十二轨道。 A:When does it arrive? A:什么时候到波士顿
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第162课:家庭聚会 Lesson 142 Parties 第142课 聚会 After a party, Linda is chatting with her daughter Lisa and daughter-in-law Wang Ling. 一次聚会之后,琳达在和她的女儿丽莎、儿媳王玲聊天。 A:So, mum, how are you feeling about the party? A:说
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第163课:美国的节日 Lesson 143 American Festival 第143课 美国的节日 Jackson is a foreign student in the U. S. 杰克逊是在美国的一个留学生。 A:Hi, Jackson. A:嗨,杰克逊。 B:Hi, Lucy. B:嗨,露西。 A:Thanksgiving Day is round the comer. A: