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  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第59课:出国旅游 Lesson 54 Traveling Abroad 第54课 出国旅游 A:Christine, I was told that you were going abroad soon. A:克里斯廷,听说你很快要出国了。 B:Yes. B:是的。 A:Where to? A:到哪个国家? B:France. B:法国。 A:But do you k
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第60课:家人与亲戚 Lesson 55 About Family 第55课 家人与亲戚 Doing Housework 做家务 A:Tom. have you finished clearing up the living room? A:汤姆,你打扫完客厅了吗? B:No, mom. I'm still in the middle of something. B:还没有,妈妈。我还在
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第61课:询问出生地 Lesson 55 Brithplace 第55课 出生地 A:Wang, if you don't mind my asking. Where were you born? A:王,你不介意我问一下你的出生地吧? B:I was born and grow up in Beijing. B:我出生在北京,并且在那里长大的。 A:You
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第62课:好心有好报 Lesson 56 Closing One's Day 第56课 一天的总结 A:I saw something very nice this afternoon. A:我今天下午看到一件非常好的事。 B:What did you see? B:你看到什么了? A:I was riding on a bus. It was very crowded as usual. An
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第63课:我有恐高症 Lesson 57 Feelings 第57课 心情 AB:I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation... AB:我站在世界之巅俯瞰众生。 B:Finally, we reach the top of the mountain. I feel great! B:我们终于爬到山项了。我感觉好极了!
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第64课:去机场接人 Lesson 58 Go to the Airport 第58课 去机场接人 Jane is shopping with one of her friends, Mary. 简和她的朋友玛丽正在逛街。 A:Mary, what time do you have? A:玛丽,你的表几点了? B:It's 10 sharp by my watch. B:我的表1
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第65课:去哪里买东西? Lesson 59 Where to Go Shopping 第59课 去哪里买东西 A:Good morning, sir. How can I help you? A:早上好,先生,您买什么? B:I want to buy a birthday gift for a ten-year-old boy. I have no idea what gift he will like. Could you give
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第66课:询问商品折扣 Lesson 59 Discount 第59课 打折 A:What's the price of this? A:这个多少钱? B:3 dollars a piece. B:3美元一个。 A:What about a discount? A:打折吗? B:10% off. B:打9折。 A:If we'll be buying more, couldn't you give me more d
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第67课:我赶时间 Lesson 60 Time 第60课 时间 A:Give me a hand to wash the dishes. I must finish my homework. A:帮我洗碗吧,我得赶作业。 B:You know I have to work against the clock to get my report done. Why not ask Xiao Wang to help you? B:你看我也
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第68课:日本人的习惯 Lesson 60 Possibility and Uncertainty 第60课 可能性和不确定性 A:How is your new job, Peter? A:彼得,新工作还好吗? B:Oh, working in international business is great. I meet and work with people from all over the world. It can be
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第69课:生病看医生 Lesson 61 Seeing a Doctor 第61课 看医生 A:Uugh...Greg. I'm ill. I feel terrible. I think I have flu. I have a fever and a sore throat, and I feel weak. Maybe I should go to hospital. A:啊,格雷。我生病了,难受极了。我想我感冒
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第70课:我生病了 Lesson 62 Im not Feeling Well 第62课 我生病了 D:Lin Hao? D:是林浩吗? L:Yes. L:是我。 D:Hello. I'm doctor Peterson. What seems to be the trouble with you? D:你好,我是彼得森医生。你怎么了? L:I'm not feeling well.
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第71课:找医生开药 Lesson 63 Treatment1 第63课 治疗一 D:Are you taking any medication? D:吃药了吗? L:I'm not taking any medication. L:我什么药都没吃。 D:Anything chronic about your health history? D:有什么慢性病史吗? L:No. L:没有。
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第72课:祝愿你早日康复 Lesson 63 Treatment 2 第63课 治疗二 A:Hi! How are you feeling now? A:嗨!你现在感觉怎么样了? L:Much better now. Ifs very kind of you to inquire after my health. L:好多了,你来看我真是太好了。 A:Don't mention it. Ar
  • 新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第73课:千万别忘了 Lesson 64 Don't Forget It 第64课 不要忘了 Woman:Don't forget to say hello to your parents. 女士:不要忘了替我向你父母问好。 Man:Thank you. I won't forget it. 男士:谢谢你。我会记得的。