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  • 英国新闻听力 南非金矿大火36人死亡 An international search is under way for an Air France jet which disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean with more than 220 people on board. Brazilian, French, Spanish and Senegalese aircraft have been searching for the plane. France has asked the United
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西国防部长证实碎片来自法航客机 The Brazilian defense minister has said there is no doubt the debris spotted in the Atlantic Ocean is from the missing Air France jet which disappeared on Monday. The minister, Nelson Jobim, said the debris which appeared to include aircraft seats as
  • 英国新闻听力 第62届嘎纳电影节 Entertainment: Cannes 娱乐:嘎纳电影节 The 62nd Cannes Film Festival opened with an animated movie called Up. This light-hearted and popular Disney movie about an elderly global explorer showcases cutting edge animation techniques but it has
  • 英国新闻听力 又一名英国内阁部长宣布辞职 A British Cabinet minister has announced his resignation and called for the prime minister to resign for the good of the governing Labour Party. The Work and Pension Secretary James Purnell said Gordon Browns continued leadership made a future electi
  • 英国新闻听力 布朗拒绝辞职 The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has defied calls for him to stand down, insisting that he would in his words fight on. Mr. Brown has been reshuffling his cabinet after five more ministers resigned from his government on Friday and local elect
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西军队发现法航乘客尸体 The Brazilian military has found 2 bodies from the Air France flight that went missing over the Atlantic last weekend. 228 people were on board when the plane disappeared on its way from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. Gary Duffy reports from Sao Paulo. The
  • 英国新闻听力 欧洲议会选举计票工作正在进行 Votes are being counted in all 27 member states of the European Union at the end of four days of elections to the European Parliament. Earlier results and exit polls suggested that in most countries, center-right parties have done much better than le
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西海军发现法航失事飞机尾翼 Brazilian navy divers have found the tail fin of the Air France plane that disappeared over the Atlantic a week ago. Search teams have so far recovered 16 bodies as well as other debris. 228 people died when the plane disappeared on its way from Rio
  • 英国新闻听力 关塔纳摩首名囚犯被转移到纽约 A detainee at Guantanamo Bay has been moved to New York where he will become the first Guantanamo prisoner to face justice in a civil court in the United States. The suspect, Ahmed Ghailani, is accused of being involved in bomb attacks on American em
  • 英国新闻听力 告密者 Health: Swine Flu 健康:猪流感 The global pandemic that is Influenza H1N1, more commonly known as swine flu, continues its rapid and virulent spread. The World Health Organisation reported the number of infected people to have reached 9,830 acros
  • 英国新闻听力 科学家发现超重元素112 Coming up. The World Health Organization is reported to have decided that the outbreak of swine flu is now a global pandemic. A Bosnian TV station has broadcast what it says is recent footage of Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb war crime suspect whos b
  • 英国新闻听力 计算机的云计算 Cloud Computing GARRET MICHEL: Well then that Mr. Studio manager on the mixing desk, let's open up the theater and hear from Bill Thomson in our Cambridge studio. Hello, Bill. Bill Thomson: Hello there Garret. GARRET MICHEL: So, lots of talk in that
  • 英国新闻听力 阿富汗形势访谈 One of Americas most senior generals, and the man whos in charge of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan has given a great massacement to the state of affairs in the lack of those countries. General David P says the situation has worsened over the past two
  • 英国新闻听力 伊朗抗议活动发生暴力事件 Hello and welcome to the latest global news recorded at 02:00 GMT on Tuesday, 16th June. This is Max Pieerson with the selection of highlights from across BBC World Service News today. Coming up: will people power win the day in Iran? Hundreds of tho
  • 英国新闻听力 伊朗再次发生大规模示威活动 Another huge opposition rally is taking place in the Iranian capital Tehran to protest against the results of Fridays presidential election. State television in Iran is reporting the demonstration, but new restrictions mean foreign reporters are not