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英语听力精选进阶版 10323

时间:2019-03-12 07:11来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The Chief Minister of the Indian capital Delhi Arvind Kejriwal has resigned after after only 49 days in power because his attempts to introduce a new anti-corruption bill were blocked in the city's legislative1 assembly. From Delhi, here's Sanjoy Majumder.

印度首度德里首席部长阿文德·柯内瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)上台仅49天之后辞职,因为他试图引入新的反腐法案的努力在立法议会遭到阻碍。Sanjoy Majumder在德里报道。

India has national elections due in about 2 months from now. And Mr. Kejriwal was definitely planning to launch his party's campaign for those national elections. But there are many critics, of course, who are questioning his move to run away from government as it were. Reporters believe that it's a move that would probably increase the support base. Mr. Kejriwal, for some time now, has been the country's leading anti-corruption crusader, and something which a lot of Indians identify with because something many of them are up against almost on a daily basis. So, Mr. Kejriwal is able to trap in to normal,everyday grievances2, and use that to increase and enhance his political appeal.

印度两个月后将举行全国选举。毫无疑问,柯内瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)正在计划为他的党派参加全国选举发起竞选活动。当然也有许多批评者,他们质疑柯内瓦尔离开政府的举动。记者们相信,此举或许会增加支持率。一段时间以来,柯内瓦尔一直是印度反腐十字军的先锋,这是许多印度人认可的,因为他们几乎每天都在反对腐败。所以,柯内瓦尔经常能够体察民情,而且利用这一点增加政治吸引力。

A United Nations' report has warned of systematic3 abuses by Somalia's federal government which have allowed weapons intended for government forces to be diverted to clan4 militia5 and the Islamist militant6 group al-Shabab. The UN monitoring group said the weapons were bought after the Security Council eased an arms embargo7 in Somalia last year. Nick Bryant reports.

联合国一份报告警告称,索马里联邦政府有系统地滥用职权,导致原本运给政府军的武器转运到部落义勇军和伊斯兰激进组织青年党手中。联合国监督小组表示,这些武器是去年安理会放松对索马里的武器禁运令之后购买的。Nick Bryant报道。

They claim to have evidence that a key adviser8 to Somali's president has been involved in planning weapons deliveries to al-Shabab. And it's expressed concerns over the management of weapons and ammunition9 stockpiles by the Somali government. Their report describes how parts of shipments from Uganda and Djibouti, including rocket launchers, grenades and ammunition could not be accounted for. The experts complained, too, that they had difficulty in gaining access to weapon stockpiles in the country and also in getting information about its growing arsenal10. They recommend the restoration of the full arms embargo or at least, stricter rules.


The United Nations has warned against another humanitarian11 crisis in Syria as thousands of people fleeing intense government assault on Yabroud, a rebel-held town near the border with Lebanon. Lyse Doucet reports.

联合国警告叙利亚可能出现又一场人道主义危机,数千人逃离政府对叙利亚与黎巴嫩边境附近叛军控制的亚布罗德镇的猛烈进攻。Lyse Doucet报道。

For the past few days, there have been growing signs that a major ground assault is imminent12 on the rebel-held town of Yabroud. It lies on a key supply route for both sides in this war. The area has already come under heavy arial bombardment by Syrian war planes. Many have been injured and the UN is warning that hospitals are running short of supplies. Thousands of civilians13 are now fleeing Yabroud. Many are crossing the nearby border into Lebanon.


Syrian government and opposition14 negotiators have said the United-Nations-sponsored peace talks in Geneva have reached an impasse15. Both sides have different interpretations16 of an international agreement endorsed17 by the major powers which calls for the creation of a transitional governing body.


An opposition group in Ukraine says all activists18 who were arrested during 3 months of anti-government protests have been released. A spokesman said the last of more than 230 detainees have been freed under an amnesty law passed last month.


Protest leaders said they would partially19 remove road blocks which they directed in the center of Kiev.


The US government is issuing guidelines to banks on how to do business with licensed20 marijuana sellers without breaking thelaw. The guidance from the Justice and Treasury21 department is intended to make banking22 services such as savings23 and current accounts available to marijuana shops that typically dealing24 cash. Rajini Vaidyanathan reports from Washington.

美国政府向银行发布了指导准则,指引他们如何在不违反法律规定的前提下与有执照的大麻出售者进行商务往来。来自司法部和财政部的指导方针旨在让主要用现金交易的大麻商店享受储蓄和现金账户等银行服务。Rajini Vaidyanathan在华盛顿报道。

The recreational use of marijuana is now legal in 2 American states: Washington and Colorado. Licensed stores selling the drugs here will now be able to open accounts. Until now, banks have been reluctant to process this kind of transactions for fear of drug racketeering charges. So most business is done as cash only. The guideline still require banks to report any criminal activity, but a step towards allowing marijuana related industries in states where it's legal to come out of the shadows and operate openly.


The French President Francois Hollande has announced that France will send an additional 400 troops to the Central African Republic. There are already 1,600 French troops in the country that has been beset25 by violence between Christians26 and Muslims since a coup27 in March last year.


A moonlit image of African migrants trying to get mobile phone signals has won the World Press Photo of the Year award. The jury awarded the prize to the American photographer John Stanmeyer for his hunting photo of men holding phones up to the sky from a beach in Djibouti. A jury member said the photo portrayed28 the migrants as dignified29 instead of, in her words,bedraggled and pathetic.

月光下的非洲移民试图捕捉手机信号的一张照片获得年度图片大奖。评审团奖该奖颁发给美国摄影师约翰·斯坦梅耶(John Stanmeyer)。他抓拍了男子们在吉布提海滨将手机高高举向天空的照片。一位评审团成员表示,这张照片描述的移民是有尊严的,而不是蓬头垢面,令人同情的。


1 legislative K9hzG     
  • Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government.国会是美国政府的立法部门。
  • Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。
2 grievances 3c61e53d74bee3976a6674a59acef792     
n.委屈( grievance的名词复数 );苦衷;不满;牢骚
  • The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers. 工会领袖述说工人们的苦情。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • He gave air to his grievances. 他申诉了他的冤情。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 systematic SqMwo     
  • The way he works isn't very systematic.他的工作不是很有条理。
  • The teacher made a systematic work of teaching.这个教师进行系统的教学工作。
4 clan Dq5zi     
  • She ranks as my junior in the clan.她的辈分比我小。
  • The Chinese Christians,therefore,practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.所以,中国的基督徒简直是被逐出了自己的家族了。
5 militia 375zN     
  • First came the PLA men,then the people's militia.人民解放军走在前面,其次是民兵。
  • There's a building guarded by the local militia at the corner of the street.街道拐角处有一幢由当地民兵团守卫的大楼。
6 militant 8DZxh     
  • Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。
  • He is a militant in the movement.他在那次运动中是个激进人物。
7 embargo OqixW     
  • This country put an oil embargo on an enemy country.该国对敌国实行石油禁运。
  • During the war,they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries.在战争期间,他们禁止与敌国通商。
8 adviser HznziU     
  • They employed me as an adviser.他们聘请我当顾问。
  • Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser.我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问。
9 ammunition GwVzz     
  • A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了。
  • They have expended all their ammunition.他们把弹药用光。
10 arsenal qNPyF     
  • Even the workers at the arsenal have got a secret organization.兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。
  • We must be the great arsenal of democracy.我们必须成为民主的大军火库。
11 humanitarian kcoxQ     
  • She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.她拥有很多慈善事业,并作了很大的贡献。
  • The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。
12 imminent zc9z2     
  • The black clounds show that a storm is imminent.乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。
  • The country is in imminent danger.国难当头。
13 civilians 2a8bdc87d05da507ff4534c9c974b785     
平民,百姓( civilian的名词复数 ); 老百姓
  • the bloody massacre of innocent civilians 对无辜平民的血腥屠杀
  • At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids. 遭轰炸袭击之后,至少有300名平民下落不明。
14 opposition eIUxU     
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
15 impasse xcJz1     
  • The government had reached an impasse.政府陷入绝境。
  • Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.谈判似乎已经陷入僵局。
16 interpretations a61815f6fe8955c9d235d4082e30896b     
n.解释( interpretation的名词复数 );表演;演绎;理解
  • This passage is open to a variety of interpretations. 这篇文章可以有各种不同的解释。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The involved and abstruse passage makes several interpretations possible. 这段艰涩的文字可以作出好几种解释。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
17 endorsed a604e73131bb1a34283a5ebcd349def4     
vt.& vi.endorse的过去式或过去分词形式v.赞同( endorse的过去式和过去分词 );在(尤指支票的)背面签字;在(文件的)背面写评论;在广告上说本人使用并赞同某产品
  • The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger. 委员会通过了主席提出的新方案,开始就可能进行的并购进行讨论。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The government has broadly endorsed a research paper proposing new educational targets for 14-year-olds. 政府基本上支持建议对14 岁少年实行新教育目标的研究报告。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 activists 90fd83cc3f53a40df93866d9c91bcca4     
n.(政治活动的)积极分子,活动家( activist的名词复数 )
  • His research work was attacked by animal rights activists . 他的研究受到了动物权益维护者的抨击。
  • Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous. 党的激进分子中有很多出身于中产阶级下层。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 partially yL7xm     
  • The door was partially concealed by the drapes.门有一部分被门帘遮住了。
  • The police managed to restore calm and the curfew was partially lifted.警方设法恢复了平静,宵禁部分解除。
20 licensed ipMzNI     
  • The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. 这种新药尚未在美国获得许可。
  • Is that gun licensed? 那支枪有持枪执照吗?
21 treasury 7GeyP     
  • The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.财政部原则上反对这些提案。
  • This book is a treasury of useful information.这本书是有价值的信息宝库。
22 banking aySz20     
  • John is launching his son on a career in banking.约翰打算让儿子在银行界谋一个新职位。
  • He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.他具有广博的银行业务知识。
23 savings ZjbzGu     
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
24 dealing NvjzWP     
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
25 beset SWYzq     
  • She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。
  • The plan was beset with difficulties from the beginning.这项计划自开始就困难重重。
26 Christians 28e6e30f94480962cc721493f76ca6c6     
n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 )
  • Christians of all denominations attended the conference. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。
  • His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians. 他关于耶稣的小说激起了基督教徒的公愤。
27 coup co5z4     
  • The monarch was ousted by a military coup.那君主被军事政变者废黜了。
  • That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.那个政府在3年前的军事政变中被推翻。
28 portrayed a75f5b1487928c9f7f165b2773c13036     
v.画像( portray的过去式和过去分词 );描述;描绘;描画
  • Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim. 在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是受害者。
  • The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard. 作者把他父亲描绘成一个可恶的酒鬼。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
29 dignified NuZzfb     
  • Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。
  • He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend. 他总是在女友面前摆出这种庄严的姿态。
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