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  • 62位超级富豪拥有全球一半的财富

    The worlds 62 richest billionaires have as much wealth as the bottom half of the worlds population, according to a new report from Oxfam International. 据 国际乐施会 的调查,全球62名超级大富豪拥有的财富加总,占全球财富的...

  • 南方地区遭遇暴风雪,小伙伴们注意防寒啦!!!

    Chinas vast southern regions are expected to experience blizzards, sleet and rainfall until Saturday, the national weather authority said on Tuesday. But it said the weather will not likely disrupt transportation. 周二,国家气象局发布消息,...

  • 盘点:互联网大咖,年会凹造型

    Internet companies like to hold an annual gala to celebrate the New Year with employees. At these galas, some company leaders like to wear strange costumes instead of the usual business suits, and perform for their employees. 每年互联网公司举行...

  • 中国“劳动人口”四连降,老龄化进一步加速


  • 调查显示:移动支付有望取代传统支付方式

    Smartphones are likely to replace wallets in the near future as about 65 percent of the online payment deals last year were done with mobile devices, a new study said. 最新调查显示,在2015年,有多达65%的网上支付账单是通过移动设...

  • 强冷空气横扫中国,多地气温创几十年来新低

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  • 霍金称:人类正面临世界末日

    The progress of science and technology is creating new ways things can go wrong for humanity, according to British theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. 英国理论物理学家和宇宙学家斯蒂芬霍金称,科技的进步正为人...

  • 春晚吉祥物康康,丑哭网友!


  • 2020年,北京人口将限制在2300万以内

    BEIJING, Jan. 24 -- Beijing will cap its population at 23 million by 2020, officials said during the annual local two sessions. 2月24日,北京-在每年召开的两会期间,官员称,2020年,北京将把人口控制在2300万以内。 The...

  • 北京预将名牌大学迁至河北

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  • 2016年中国春运预计发送旅客29.1亿人次

    It is predicted that China will greet 2.91 billion passengers during the Spring Festivaltravel season of 2016, an increase of 3.6 percent from the previous year, said LianWeiliang, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission on...

  • 毕业生等落户问题放开

    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has urged efforts to deepen human-centered urbanization as it can improve peoples livelihoods and boost economy. 国家总理李克强近日部署深入推进以人为核心的城镇化,改善人们生活,促进经济发展...

  • 美国财政部认为:普京贪污

    The US Treasury has told a BBC investigation that it considers Russian President Vladimir Putin to be corrupt. 美国财政部在一次BBC调查中表示,他们认为俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京贪污。 The US government has already impose...

  • 昨天你被“红包照片”刷屏了吗?


  • 中国加强互联网金融监管,打击非法活动

    Chinese authorities will launch a campaign to regulate Internet finance, which is growing rapidly but threatens social stability due to illegal activity. 中国政府部门将开展一项互联网金融领域专项整治活动。互联网金融正快速...
