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  • 研究:礼物和恭维都没有用 勇敢对抗才能搞定丈母娘

    If your future mother-in-law thinks youre not suitable for her darling son or daughter, dont shower her with gifts and compliments stand up to her instead. 如果你的未来岳母或婆婆认为,你不适合她的宝贝女儿或儿子,别给她献...

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  • 囧研究:睡足8小时扯淡!6小时更有益健康

    If you only got six hours' shut eye last night, there is no need to lose sleep over it. 如果昨天晚上你睡够了六个小时,那么你真的没有必要再继续睡下去了。 Scientists say that despite the widely held belief that we need e...

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    There's been a lot of conversation revolving around tampons lately. Their material components have been brought under scrutiny, and the negative environmental impact of the disposal of plastic applicators have been the subject of many-a-discussion. E...

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