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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>英语歌曲>流行英文歌曲>
  • 英语流行歌曲:MEW - She came home for christmas

    MEW - She came home for christmas Don't touch her there She's blindfolded She remembers on the bus Into my heart, don't remember Like you left us, without notice Now you've come back Like you left us, like you owe us Into my heart (Chorus) It's not m...

  • 英语歌曲:好象一切已太晚 Call Me When Your're Sober

    好象一切已太晚 Call Me When Your're Sober Song: Call Me When Your're Sober Artist: Evanescence don't cry to me if you loved me you would be here with me you love me, come find me make up your mind should've let you fall and lose it all so mayb...

  • 英语歌曲:最后的火车载我回家 LostProphets - Last Train home

    最后的火车载我回家:LostProphets - Last Train home 来自英国,却流着相当美式的新金属乐风,也没有浓厚英国腔调或雌雄莫辨嗓音的Lostprophets,相比后摇那种平静-爆破-平静-爆破式的 inside世界...

  • 英语流行歌曲:Cake - Dime

    Cake - Dime In the brown shag carpet of a cheap motel In the dark and dusty corner by the TV shelf Is a small reminder of a simpler time When a crumpled up pair of trousers cost a brand new dime Well you ask me how I made it through and how my mint c...

  • 英语流行歌曲:滴答:Cake,简单小品,透明生活~~

    滴答:Cake,简单小品,透明生活~~ 像Primus和Barenaked Ladies他们一样,Cake也总是小心地把握摇滚和搞笑之间的平衡。其顽皮,会让人笑出眼泪的歌词和偶尔设计夸张出众的CD封面(如代表着成熟风...

  • 英语民谣歌曲:听见了风的颜色 Patty Griffin - Kite

    [民谣] 听见了风的颜色 Patty Griffin - Kite Patty Griffin是近年来民谣领域最值得期待的创作歌手之一.虽然唱片的销量并不怎么样,却是葛莱美奖提名的小才女.她的歌词内涵丰富,描写爱的失落,...

  • 英语流行歌曲:北极猴子 - Leaving Before The Lights Come On

    北极猴子 - Leaving Before The Lights Come On 从去年年底开始,英国乐队北极猴子(Arctic Monkeys)似乎就没有离开过媒体和歌迷的视线。2006年1月,Arctic Monkeys乐队的首张专辑《Whatever People Say I Am, That...

  • 经典英语歌曲:A Teens - Firefly 萤火虫指引我……

    经典歌曲:A Teens - Firefly 萤火虫指引我 歌曲:Firefly 乐队:A Teens When I said go I never meant away 当我说离开时我从不打算离开 You ought to know the freaky games we play 你应该知道我们玩的任性游戏 Could y...

  • 英语流行歌曲:年轻无极限 We Are The Young ---- McFly

    We Are The YoungMcFly Listen We got a situation They're always putting us down We are the generation Can't keep us under ground Is it my imagination? Or do you feel good? We're on a one - way mission Oh we can take it all night We are the sunshine na...

  • 英文单曲欣赏:痛苦,是必然的 Tyler Hilton —Missing you

    痛苦,是必然的。 房间太暗, 地板太凉。 外面的阳光灿烂, 可惜照不到这里。 我的生活很好, 惟独想你太深。 Song: Missing you Artist: Tyler Hilton Everytime I think of you I always catch my breath I'm still...

  • 英语歌曲:初恋的回忆 Only Hope 男声版(Mandy Moore Vs. Switchfoot)

    初恋的回忆 Only Hope 男声版(Mandy Moore Vs. Switchfoot) 这支来自圣地亚哥的Switchfoot是个很棒的Christian Rock,从1997年的首张专辑Legend of Chin 开始,已经发行了五张专辑,去年9月的新专辑是Nothing I...

  • 英语流行歌曲:Jack Johnson - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

    Jack Johnson - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing I was sitting, waiting, wishing You believed in superstitions Then maybe you would see the signs But lord knows that this world is cruel And I aint the lord no Im just a fool Learning loving somebody Dont make...

  • 英语单曲推荐:蜘蛛侠都无法抗拒的声音 Switchfoot - On Fire

    蜘蛛侠都无法抗拒的声音 Switchfoot - On Fire 这支来自圣地亚哥的新兴摇滚乐团,加盟SONY唱片后首支单曲「活得精彩(Meant to Live)」,因为歌词和蜘蛛人矛盾的心境吻合,幸运地被蜘蛛人选为暑...

  • 英语歌曲推荐:Teenage life 可爱童声 - 童年不再

    Teenage life--Daz Sampson Now hear this 现在听听这个 What did you learn at school today ? 今天你在学校学到了什么? That's what the teachers used to say 这就是老师常常说的 But they don't know 但他们并不知道 Don't unders...

  • 英文民谣:黄建为 - Over the Way (音乐理疗师)

    岛屿民谣:黄建为 - Over the Way (音乐理疗师) 有一种声音,你很容易忘记他的存在,但有一天你会很自然的哼起他的旋律,此时你会发觉,原来他的音乐有如此的渗透力啊角头唱片张四十三描...
