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听歌学英语:你的男人 Your Man

时间:2015-08-26 09:26来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

外表俊朗阳光的美国乡村音乐人Josh Turner,和大多数当代乡村男歌手标志性的甜美嗓音略显不同的是,他的音色明显相对浑厚和低沉。Josh自幼在奶奶的引导下,认识了乡村音乐并深深地迷上了南方传统蓝调乐。高中毕业後,Josh到了乡村乐的温床Nashville当地就读大学,求学的过程中也就顺势发展了自己的音乐才华。

Baby lock the door and turn the light down low 宝贝,锁上门吧,让灯光再昏暗些
Put some music on that's soft and slow 来点轻柔的音乐
Baby we ain't got no place to go 宝贝,没有其它地方可以去
I hope you understand 我想你应该明白

I’ve been thinking 'bout this all day long 其实,有个念头已经在我脑子里面盘旋一整天了
Never felt a feeling quite this strong 却从没有像现在这样强烈过
I can't believe how much it turns me on 无法相信,这个念头竟然让我如此地神魂颠倒
Just to be your man 恩,那就是做你的男人

There's no hurry 不要着急
Don't you worry 也无需担心
We can take our time 慢慢享受
Come a little closer 靠近一点吧
Let's go over what i had in mind 让我们排练下我脑子里的画面吧

Baby lock the door and turn the light down low 宝贝,锁上门吧,让灯光再昏暗些
Put some music on that's soft and slow 来点轻柔的音乐
Baby we ain't got no place to go 宝贝,没有其它地方可以去
I hope you understand 我想你应该明白

I’ve been thinking 'bout this all day long 有个念头已经在我脑子里面盘旋一整天了
Never felt a feeling quite this strong 却从没有像现在这样强烈过
I can't believe how much it turns me on 无法相信,这个念头竟然让我如此的神魂颠倒
Just to be your man 那就是做你的男人

Ain't nobody ever love nobody the way that I love you 不会有人的爱能比得上我对你的爱那么强烈
We're alone now 现在没有别人了
You don't know how long I’ve wanted to你绝对不知道我盼这一刻有多久了

Baby lock the door and turn the light down low 宝贝,锁上门吧,让灯光再昏暗些
Put some music on that's soft and slow 来点轻柔的音乐
Baby we ain't got no place to go 宝贝,没有其它地方可以去
I hope you understand 我想你应该明白

I’ve been thinking bout this all day long 有个念头已经在我脑子里面盘旋一整天了
never felt a feeling that was quite this strong 却从没有像现在这样强烈过
I can't believe how much it turns me on 无法相信,这个念头竟然让我如此的神魂颠倒
Just to be your man 那就是做你的男人

I can't believe how much it turns me on 无法相信,这个念头竟然让我如此的神魂颠倒
Just to be your man 恩,那就是做你的男人

Baby lock the door and turn the light down low 宝贝,锁上门吧,让灯光再昏暗些
turn down: 调低,扭小,关小声点
把灯光调暗一点: turn the light down low

Put some music on that's soft and slow 来点轻柔的音乐
放点音乐: put some music on,后面的that's soft and slow这个句子是定语从句,具有形容词的功能,整句话的意思就成了‘放点音乐吧,放点轻柔慢拍的音乐’
轻柔慢拍的音乐 soft and slow music

I’ve been thinking 'bout this all day long. 有种念头已经困扰我一整天了
have/has been + 动词ing形式 这个是英语语法中的‘现在完成进行时态’,翻译成‘一直’。大家试着翻译一下的句子:
I've been eating these sweets all morning and I'm completely sated.整个早上我一直在吃这些糖果,吃腻了/太心满意足了。(sate [set] v. 使心满意足)
My back hurts, so I have been sleeping on the floor lately. The bed is too soft.我的背部痛,因此最近我一直睡在地板上。床太软了。
I haven't been sleeping well recently .我最近一直未睡好。

There's no hurry 不要着急
hurry['h爂椀崀 v.匆忙, 催促, 赶紧 n.匆忙, 仓促, 急忙
She hurried to the airport.她急匆匆地赶去机场了。
In her hurry she forgot to leave her phone number.匆忙间,她忘了留下电话号码。
no hurry不忙,不必着急,有充裕的时间
Don't drive so fast; there's no hurry.不要开这么快,不急的/时间还很充足。
in a hurry 渴望, 急切
You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.做事太赶容易出错。
She was in a hurry to see her child.她急切地想见到她的孩子。

Let's go over what i had in mind
go over: v.仔细查看,检查, 重做, 复习,排练,回想
From what I've heard, you're going to be an excellent fit. I'll see you this afternoon to go over things.据我所知,你会非常适合这个职位。今天下午我会就有关问题与你碰面,谈一谈。
Can I set up a time with you to go over the training manual?我能跟你约个时间一起看一下培训手册吗?

Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong
this: pron. 这;这个;这里 adj. 这;本;这个;今; adv. 这样地;这么
"It was this big, " he says, stretching his hands out in front of him.“有这么大,”他说,并把手伸出来比划了一下
You see a town this big that has no paper and you think, here's an opportunity.你看到一个这么大的镇子却不发行一份报纸,你就会想,机会来了。

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