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相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:Rainbow-Sia

    I know you 我认识你 You're a special one 你是那特别的唯一 Some see crazy, where I see love 在我寻得爱的地方有些人只看到疯狂的足迹 You fall so long 你坠落已久 But soar so high 而今终腾空翱翔 Big dreamer, shoo...

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  • 听歌学英语:Find You-Nick Jonas

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  • 听歌学英语:Think About That-Jessie J

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  • 听歌学英语:无心快语 Careless Whisper

    I feel so unsure我毫无把握/有点茫然不知所措 As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor当我牵着你的手带你步入舞池。 As the music dies舞曲消失/音乐渐渐停下来 something in your eyes Calls to mind the silver...

  • 听歌学英语:放手.再见 Goodbye

    I can see the pain living in your eyes 我看得见你眼中的痛楚 And I know how hard you try 我也晓得你曾努力尝试 You deserve to have so much more 你值得更好的 I can feel your heart and I sympathize 我能感同身受,心有所悯...

  • 听歌学英语:回到你身边 Back to You

    I know you say you know me, know me well 我知道你总说你有多懂我 But these days I don't even know myself, no 可最近连我自己都看不懂 I always thought I'd be with someone else 我一直以为自己会移情别恋 I thought I would...

  • 听歌学英语:Good Old Days-Macklemore / Kesha

    I wish somebody would have told me that 真希望有人能提早告诉我 Some day, these will be the good old days 这岁月有天会变成回忆中的美好时光 All the love you won't forget 那所有不曾忘却的爱 And all these reckless nigh...

  • 听歌学英语:Hold on to Me-Hurts

    Fear written on your face like something's wrong here 恐惧在你脸上难掩似乎有些不妙难言 Staring out the window, holding back tears 凝视着窗外回头已泪眼 Looking for the people we both know 寻找着你我都熟知的脸 Where...

  • 听歌学英语:A Different Way-DJ Snake / Lauv

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  • 听歌学英语:这一刻,享受宁静 Darkness And The Way We Are

    I could blame my wandering heart 我可以怪我浪迹天涯的心 Darkness and the way we are 责怪黑暗和我们对待它的方式 I could say its where I've been 我可以说它一直在我在的地方 Put it on the faults I've seen 把它归咎于...

  • 听歌学英语:Christmas Trees-Major Lazer / Proteje

    And oh what a time and a season 这因爱与祝福而生的节日 For love and greetings 再次悄然而至 Oh and you brought some gifts for me? 听说你给我带了礼物 I see, Major Lazer 我知道了 What a Merry Christmas would be 一句圣诞快...

  • 听歌学英语:Whitney Houston-The Christmas Song

    It's Christmas and we walk alone 圣诞节 我们独自漫步 Two strangers with no one to miss us 两个无人牵挂的陌生人 On our own 孑然独处 Out in the cold trudging onward 在寒冷中艰难前行 冒着严冬冰冷的风 Braving a hars...

  • 听歌学英语:Westlife-Seasons In The Sun

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  • 听歌学英语:Take Me To Shanghai-John Hughes

    Libertyswathes this city of shades 幽影之城被自由笼罩 Like gloves on the wings of a bird 如同双翼被束缚的飞鸟 The silken smoke of the words you spoke 昔言似烟缕雾绡 Still rises where you lay 在你安躺的地方至今萦绕...
