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相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:Say Something Loving-The xx

    Before it slips away 在它转而即逝之前 Say something loving 请说些亲昵的话 I just don't remember the thrill of affection 我些许忘了一见钟情的激动 I just don't remember 我只是不记得了 Say something loving 请说些情话...

  • 听歌学英语:Not Afraid Anymore-Halsey

    I am not afraid anymore 我再也不会畏惧 Standing in the eye of the storm 去站在风暴的中心 Ready to face this, dying to taste this, sick sweetwarmth 随时准备去面对 迫不及待要品尝这温暖甜蜜又让人厌恶的滋味 I am...

  • 听歌学英语:成熟点 Grow Up

    I thought about you the other day 那天想到你 What the hell happened with you and me 回想你我之间究竟出了什么问题 'Cause oh ain't no lovin' no more 噢 是爱已不再了吗 You ain't as cool as you used to be 你也不再如从前那...

  • 听歌学英语:Gold-Iggy Pop

    It's okay, it's alright 没关系 The promise of the tongue 唇舌间的承诺 Leaving them behind tonight 今晚忘掉它 But I guess this time, I'm doubled up 但我猜这一次,我不能直起腰来了 I'm doubled down again 我又下了双倍堵注...

  • 听歌学英语:Are You Sure?-Kris Kross Amsterdam

    Let's not play 这不是一个游戏 You told me to go 你告诉我要走 And then you put your hands on me 然后你把你的手在我身上 (Hands on me) 放在我身上 Let's not play 这不是一个游戏 I can feel your body 我能感觉到你的身...

  • 听歌学英语:Sooner Or Later-Aaron Carter

    These past days and past nights 这些过去的日子和夜晚 Walks under streetlights 在街灯下一人走着 Something don't feel right 有些事察觉不对 Sooner or later she'll be 迟早她将会 Trips to Chicago 去往芝加哥 Don't call me...

  • 听歌学英语:Imagine Dragons(梦龙)-On Top Of The World

    If you love somebody 若你爱着某人 Better tell them while they're here 最好趁他们还在时赶紧说出来 'Cause they may just run away from you 说不定他们可能下一秒就离你而去 You'll never know quite when, well 你猜不到这将...

  • 听歌学英语:Star Roving-Slowdive

    Give it away now, girl 就放手吧,我的女孩 Can't hold on to mine 抓不住我的手就放开 Every black and white 每个昼去与夜来 Secrets of blinking light 闪耀光芒下的秘密 And like flies on 会随之逐渐飞远 Said she's fee...

  • 听歌学英语:The Strumbellas-Spirits

    I got guns in my head and they won't go. 我脑子里的枪支不会离开 Spirits in my head and they won't go. 我脑子里的思想不会离开 I got guns in my head and they won't go 我脑子里的枪支不会离去 Spirits in my head and they w...

  • 听歌学英语:I Still Recall-Slushii

    I still recall how it felt before 我仍旧能忆起从前的感受 I remember it all so vividly 如此生动鲜活 历历在目 Like the eye of the storm 如暴风骤雨般侵袭而来 I feel it in the air 我隐约感受的到 I feel it in my bones...

  • 听歌学英语:Heathens-Halestorm

    All my friends are heathens take it slow 我朋友有点怪你别着急 Wait for them to ask you who you know 等他们来问你的秘密 Please don't make any sudden moves 千万不要轻举妄动 You don't know the half of the abuse 否则后果会很...

  • 听歌学英语:Thinking 'Bout You-Dua Lipa

    3 A.M. and my neighbors hate me 凌晨三点 有点扰民的我 Music blasting shaking these walls 音乐声震耳欲聋 This time Mary Jane won't save me 这次连Mary Jane也救不了我 I've been working later I've been drinking stronger 工作至深...

  • 听歌学英语:Don't Leave-Snakehips

    You know me; now and then, I'm a mess 你也明悉,一直以来,我乱作一团糟的心 Please don't hold that against me 请你不要这样抗拒 I'm a girl with a temper and heat 的确我脾气些许火爆 I know I can be crazy 我也知道这很疯...

  • 听歌学英语:派对圣歌 Party Rock Anthem

    Party rock! Yeah! Woo! Let's go 劲爆派对 耶 喔 一起来 Party rock is in the house tonight Everybody just have a good time And we gonna make you lose your mind Everybody just have a good time 今晚房子里上演劲爆派对 大家尽管尽情享...

  • 听歌学英语:Linkin Park&Kiiara-Heavy

    comfort n. 舒适 panic n. 惊慌 escape v. 逃离 drag v. 拖/拉 spin v. 旋转 paranoid adj. 多疑的 messy adj. 散乱的 set free 释放 stack up 堆起来 drive someone crazy 使某人发狂 I dont like my mind right now 我厌恶此刻的思绪...
