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CCTV9英语新闻:CBA: Big man tallies 11 points as Blue Whales take Game Three

时间:2016-03-20 14:29来源:互联网 提供网友:gmeng   字体: [ ]


While international imports Justin Dentmon, Mike Harris, and Hamed Haddadi have provided most of the scoring to help the Sichuan Blue Whales grab their 2-1 lead in the CBA Finals, Chinese big man Zhang Chunjun also made multiple contributions in the team's Game Three win over the Liaoning Flying Leopards.

Forward Zhang steps up for Sichuan

Forward Zhang steps up for Sichuan

Zhang Chunjun has been averaging 15 points per game for Sichuan in this year's CBA Finals, and his driving lay-ups were a key component of the Blue Whales offense, while his defensive work included a hefty dose of guarding two-time former International MVP Lester Hudson.

"I hope Zhang Chunjun can maintain his form from the last few games. He's performing well on defense end, especially when he can Lester Hudson well," said Yang Xuezeng, Sichuan Blue Whales coach.

Zhang contributed 11 points and 6 rebounds in Game Three, the most among Sichuan's Chinese players in both categories, and his performance in the Finals has been a boon for his team.

"I did what the coach told us before the game. I cherish every chance, try to do well on defense, and care about details during the game," said Zhang Chunjun, Sichuan Blue Whales forward.

The Blue Whales hope Zhang's emergence as a reliable fourth option blossoms as the Championship Series continue, which would boost their hopes of claiming the title.

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