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CCTV9英语新闻:Yan'an University passes on revolutionary spirit

时间:2016-05-04 15:07来源:互联网 提供网友:gmeng   字体: [ ]

Yan’an University in northwest China is the first comprehensive university set up by the Communist Party of China. Since its establishment in 1941, the university has cultivated many talents for the country’s development.


Xie Wei will soon graduate from Yan’an University. He is headed for a position on Tibet’s Chamdo municipal Party committee. 


In the past two years, more than 120 students from Yan’an university have chosen to work in China's remote Xinjiang and Tibet Autonomous regions.


“Chairman Mao said Yan’an university is a political, economic and cultural university. Educators at Yan’an university put the saying into practice generation by generation. The inheritance of the Yan’an Spirit is embodied in our students,” said Zhang Jinsuo, principal of Yan’an University.


Yan’an University sits in the revolutionary cradle of its namesake city in Shaanxi province. In 1941, Mao Zedong established Yan’an University by merging the Shanbei Public School with the Woman’s University of China and the Zedong School of Young Cadres.


Few years later, five other schools were also incorporated. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the university rallied up resistance among the young. 


Xie Wei says singing the school anthem reminds him of the “Yan’an Spirit.” Like Xie, many of the graduates here devoted themselves to public work.


“We won’t always be able to stay in school. Our university has impressed upon us, and we will go out and pass onto others the culture of the Yan’an Spirit,” said Zhang Miao, Yan’an University student.

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