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    Nicolas Cage has split from his third wife. The actor and Alice Kim have been separated since January 16th, according to his representative. 尼古拉斯凯奇第三次离婚了。据尼古拉斯凯奇的经纪人证实,这位演员和妻子爱丽丝...

  • 我国律师及法学专家将可参与立法工作

    China will employ qualified lawyers and legal experts as legislative workers through open recruitment, according to a document issued by the general office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. 根据中共中央办公厅近日发布的一...

  • 国内30所虚假大学再上榜 诈骗手段新颖需警惕

    A Chinese university information website has released a list of 30 fake colleges as students begin applying to universities following the annual college entrance exam earlier June. 在6月上旬的高考结束之后,学生们开始报考大学。此时...

  • 研究显示 智能手机贬值速度竟快过汽车!

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  • 《实习医生格蕾》演员杰西威廉姆斯最正能量的演讲

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    Boris Johnson's allies warned there is a 'deep pit in Hell' waiting for Michael Gove tonight after the Justice Secretary stabbed his fellow Brexit champion in the back saying he was not up to being Prime Minister. 英国司法部长迈克尔?戈夫背后...

  • 披萨让中国人吃下了臭奶酪

    China may be the hardest place in the world to sell cheese, but Liu Yang has been trying anyway and Western fast food may be his salvation. 中国可能是世界上最难卖奶酪的地方,但刘洋还是尝试了而西方快餐可能是他的救星。...

  • 纽约的烦恼 人行道大拥堵

    Ivette Singh hardly bothers to walk on the sidewalk on her way to work in Midtown Manhattan anymore. Too many people, too little space. Not enough patience. 在去曼哈顿中城上班的路上,伊维特辛格(Ivette Singh)几乎不再走人行道。...

  • 加拿大志愿者向叙利亚难民敞开怀抱

    TORONTO One frigid day in February, Kerry McLorg drove to an airport hotel here to pick up a family of Syrian refugees. She was cautious by nature, with a job poring over insurance data, but she had never even spoken to the people who were about to m...

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  • 李宇春为何持续走红11年

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    The whole world is reeling after a milestone referendum in Britain to leave the European unx. And although leaders of the campaign to exit Europe are crowing over their victory it seems many Britons may not even know what they had actually voted for....

  • 中国想要台湾负责任的说明导弹发射事件

    BEIJING: China on Saturday asked Taiwan to provide a responsible explanation a day after the Taiwanese navy mistakenly fired a missile that hit a fishing boat killing one person coinciding with the ruling Communist Party of China's 95th anniversary c...

  • 卫星图像表明中国正在秘密惩罚朝鲜

    Is China secretly punishing Kim Jong Un forhis nuclear mischief? 中国因为核问题正在惩罚朝鲜? Following North Koreas latest nuclear test, in January, trade overthe China-North Korea border dropped dramatically, according to newly releas...

  • 中国制造 美国对攻击性武器的需求

    In May 2000, Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Pete Stark, and Carolyn McCarthy wrote a letter to their House counterparts urging them to deny China a far-reaching and highly-coveted trade status called Permanent Normal Trade Relations. In their warning,...
