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  • 北京过度抽取地下水 每年下沉11厘米

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  • 老年人、智力障碍者拟纳入民法"监护"范围

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  • 脸书证实存在基于地理位置的好友推荐功能

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  • 中国有信心处理好与英欧关系

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  • 这个男子和手机结婚了 还给手机戴了婚戒

    Last month, artist Aaron Chervenak drove from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Nevada to finally take the love for his smartphone to the next level by marrying it at a small wedding chapel. And yeah, in case youre wondering, he even put a ring on it. 上个月...

  • 里约奥运会还能开得起来吗

    With just a few weeks left until the start of the 2016 Olympics, Brazil is still suffering from serious economic problems. The acting governor of Rio de Janeiro warned that the games could be a failure if his state doesn't get its finances in order. 距...
