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    A video has surfaced online showing staff at a Chinese bank being publicly spanked for poor performance during a training session, sparking outrage. 中国一家银行的员工因在培训当中表现不佳而被当众打屁股的视频出现在网络上...

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    The rapid growth of mobile Internet platforms is leading to disputes with traditional outlets. 移动互联网平台的快速发展引发了其与传统媒介的纠纷。 Copyright disputes between new and traditional media are growing, and require a...

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  • 我国首座国家基因库在深圳启动试运行

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  • 香港难民问题日趋严重 拒绝成为难民港

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  • 超级计算机排行榜出炉 中国'神威太湖之光'居首

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  • 英国脱欧之后 首相卡梅伦宣布将于10月辞职

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    It's not meant for me. For me the national team is over. I've done all I can, it hurts not to be a champion, Lionel Messi, the 29-year-old said after defeat by Chile at the Copa America. 在美洲杯阿根廷输给智利的比赛之后,29岁的里奥...

  • 沃尔玛正式入股京东 1号店成京东旗下品牌

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc is striking a deal to forge a partnership with JD.com Inc, the second-largest online retailer in China. 沃尔玛百货有限公司将与中国第二大在线零售商京东达成建立合作关系的协议。 US-based Wal-Mart sa...

  • 一桩摇滚神曲抄袭案 齐柏林飞艇赢了

    LOS ANGELES Its long, its classic and, a jury decided on Thursday, its an original. 洛杉矶它很长,它是经典,而且,这个星期四,法庭宣布它是原创的。 Led Zeppelin did not steal the opening riff of its rock anthem Stairway...

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  • 族裔可继续成为美大学招生考虑因素

    WASHINGTON The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to a race-conscious admissions program at the University of Texas at Austin, handing supporters of affirmative action a major victory. 华盛顿本周四,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校...
