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  • 猫王和麦当娜 假照片中的真实认同

    In his earliest memories, Zhang Wei recalls his mother singing and dancing in a theatrical troupe, performing operatic versions of Chinese folk tales. Like magic, she transformed from one character into another as Mr. Zhang watched from the wings. 母亲...

  • 科学家宣布再次探测到引力波

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  • 青岛被评为我国最宜居城市

    Qingdao becomes the most livable city in China of 40 cities surveyed, according to the Chinese livable cities research report released by the Chinese Academy of Science. 中科院近日发布的《中国宜居城市研究报告》显示,在受调查的...

  • 5月份房价总体涨势放缓 二三线城市涨幅继续扩大

    China's property sector continued to recover but on a slower pace in May, with fewer cities reporting month-on-month rises in new-home prices, an official survey showed. 一份官方数据显示,5月份,我国房地产行业继续回暖,但势头...

  • 星巴克宣布上调在华饮品价格 成本上涨为主因

    Rising costs have contributed to the price surge of some Starbucks drinks on the Chinese mainland. 成本的增加导致了中国大陆地区的部分星巴克饮品的价格大涨。 According to the Seattle-based coffee chain, Starbucks stores on t...

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    Hu Ge is no stranger to cameras. The heart-throb actor starred in over 14 TV series, two movies and released three albums during the past two years. Now the 34-year-old Hu Ge has discovered a new role. 胡歌在电视镜头中并不陌生,这位大众...

  • 芝加哥男子在Facebook直播时遭枪杀

    A Chicago man was shot dead while live-streaming a video of himself on Facebook, police said last Friday. 美国警方上周五表示,芝加哥一男子在Facebook上直播自己的视频时被枪杀。 Antonio Perkins, 28, was shot in the head and...

  • 英国脱欧公投结果落定 民众投票决定脱欧

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  • 广电总局限制引进节目模式 黄金档开播不超2档

    China's media regulator has issued a directive limiting imported TV shows and remakes, aiming to promote domestic originality. 中国媒体监管机构(国家新闻出版广电总局)近日发布指令,限制引进电视节目及翻拍节目,旨...

  • 美民主党众议员静坐 要求表决控枪议案

    Rallying around their cry, No bill, no break, House Democrats pressed on early Thursday in their sit-in calling for a vote on gun control legislation before leaving on their Independence Day break. 星期四清晨,美国民主党众议员继续在国...

  • 中国购买加拿大 新的房地产热潮内幕

    Paul Shen can tick off the reasons Mainland Chinese people buy property in Canada as surely as any fast-talking B.C. realtor. 保罗.沈可以和那些巧舌如簧的卑诗省房产中介一样,罗列出一堆中国大陆人到加拿大置业的理由...

  • 大学生群体现'裸条'借贷 不还钱就爆照!

    A growing number of Chinese university students are being targeted by loan sharks who demand nude photographs as collateral, according to a report in the Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily. 总部位于广州的《南方都市报》近日报道称...

  • 大学生群体现'裸条'借贷 不还钱就爆照!

    A growing number of Chinese university students are being targeted by loan sharks who demand nude photographs as collateral, according to a report in the Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily. 总部位于广州的《南方都市报》近日报道称...

  • 调查显示 工作效率低下的罪魁祸首竟是智能手机!

    Do you waste time at work? No, of course you don't. Never! You're very productive. 工作时你有没有虚度光阴?当然没有,你向来惜时如金!是的,你效率非常高。 And do you have a smartphone? Yes, you do, but that's not rel...

  • 中国增列对朝鲜禁运物项和技术清单

    China last Tuesday released a list of goods banned for export to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), as the items could be used to develop weapons of mass destruction. 上周二,中国发布了一份禁止向朝鲜出口物品的清单,...
