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  • 2020年我国全国足球场地将超7万块

    China vows to have more than 70,000 soccer pitches by the year of 2020 as the country is aiming to become a soccer power in future, the government said on last Tuesday. 我国政府上周二提出,到2020年,全国足球场地数量将超过7万块...

  • 票房女神白百合确定出演《捉妖记2》

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  • 调查显示:六成职业女性不愿生二胎

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  • 数据显示:80后成国内搭乘两舱主力军

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  • 安徽师大食堂新规:对工作人员有礼貌就可打5折!

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  • 英国首相卡梅伦:脱欧公投影响深远!

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  • 我国将对中小学校园欺凌开展专项治理

    China's education authorities have launched a campaign to curb school bullying. 为遏制校园欺凌,我国教育主管部门近日对此开展专项治理行动。 The campaign will last until December and targets elementary, middle and secondary...

  • 毫无悬念! 《美国队长3》继续领跑票房

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  • 世卫:低收入国家空气质量低

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  • 苹果CEO库克本月将来华访问

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  • 又出事了! 这些常见止咳药竟含硫磺?

    Five widely used Chinese traditional medicines (TCMs) for treating cough have been found to have a high sulfur content, the Economic Information Daily reported on last Friday. 据《经济参考报》上周五报道,5种常见的中医止咳药被检...

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    After a bitter and bruising race, the Labour Party's Sadiq Khan won London's mayoral race and made history as the first Muslim elected to lead a major Western capital city. 经过艰苦激烈的竞选之后,英国工党候选人萨迪克汗赢得了伦...

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    SINGAPORE, May 13 (Xinhua) -- The first imported case of Zika virus infection in Singapore was reported on Friday, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) and National Environment Agency (NEA) in a statement. The patient, a 48-year-old male Singapore Perma...

  • 国产机器人明年要参加高考 目标是考上一本!

    A robot is being designed to compete with 12th graders during the college entrance examination in 2017 and get a score qualifying it to enter first-class universities in China, according to Huaxi Metropolis Daily. 据华西都市报报道,由中国设...

  • 电影《魔兽世界》正式定档 6月8日在中国上映

    Finally, the new Warcraft movie is out - and it looks awesome. 终于,最新电影《魔兽世界》就要上映了--它看起来真的非常精彩。 Hollywood film Warcraft will have its global premiere in China next month, in what is the culmina...
