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  • 中国的新一代富豪是:高校中的科学家们!

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  • 民政部:中国初步形成多层次养老服务体系

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  • 宜家将进军中国电商市场 或将在下半年上线

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  • 中国奇葩公司名称引发网友热议

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  • 百度公司2016年第一季度营收暴增31%

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  • 优步和支付宝开展合作 境外打车可花人民币!

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  • Facebook打赢中国商标抢注案

    Facebook has won a Chinese trademark case against a company that registered the brand name face book, in a sign that Beijing attitudes are softening towards the worlds largest social networking site, which is blocked to Chinas 700m internet users. Fa...

  • 新探明石油储量降至逾60年来最低水平

    Discoveries of new oil reserves have dropped to their lowest level for more than 60 years, pointing to potential supply shortages in the next decade. 新探明石油储量已降至逾60年来最低水平,这预示着未来10年可能出现供给短缺...
