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  • 改革让出租车市场更公平

    Wang is a taxi driver in his fifties. He's been driving cabs in Beijing for a long time. He says he made a loss in the first two months of this year, and estimates he'll see another loss in March. Last year, since the popularity of the app, it has be...

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  • 中国的科技雄心给韩国危机感

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  • 中国大学生利用间隔年创业将出明确规定

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  • 《疯狂动物城》主播有N个 熊猫是中国特供

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  • 我国2月份CPI同比涨幅达到2.3%

    China's consumer prices grew 2.3 percent in February from one year earlier, up from January's 1.8 percent, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday. That is the biggest rise since July 2014. 国家统计局周四发布的数...

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  • 小李子刚拿完奖 哥哥就被警方通缉

    Adam Farrar, Leonardo DiCaprio's stepbrother, is on the run from US police, according to reports. 近日一则报道称,莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥同父异母(并没有血缘关系)的哥哥亚当费雷尔目前正被美国警方通缉。 An a...

  • 波音:中国需要更大的飞机

    BEIJING, March 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese airlines need more wide-body aircraft to satisfy growing demand for long-distance outbound travel, according to a report issued by Boeing on Friday. The Chinese market for long-distance routes has grown by over 1...
