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  • 百余列普通列车4月底将开通免费WiFi

    By end of April, Beijing Railway Bureau will have installed free WiFi on over 100 trains, and currently, Jinan Railway Bureau is testing free WiFi on 75 trains. But the bullet trains are not included. 截至4月底,北京铁路局将在100余组列车...

  • 美科学家合成出迄今最简单生命形式

    US scientists have stripped life back to its bare essentials creating a synthetic microbe with the absolute minimum genetic information needed to grow and reproduce. 美国科学家将生命的多余部分剔除,只留下最基本的要素,由此创...

  • 山东省非法疫苗丑闻引起公愤

    Chinese citizens have reacted with anger and alarm at news of a massive illegal vaccine operation uncovered in Shandong province. The illegal vaccine ring involved hundreds of people, and affected 24 provinces and cities, local media said. 近日,山...

  • 报告显示:中国消费者青睐高端产品

    Chinese consumer confidence has remained surprisingly resilient over the past three years despite the slowing economic growth, as a result of more selective and careful spending, according to a new report from McKinsey And Co. 根据麦肯锡发布的最...

  • 美国商务部临时解除针对中兴通讯出口限制措施

    The US Department of Commerce (DOC) is expected to announce a lift on the export curbs imposed on ZTE later this week, two weeks after the ban was put into place, media reports said on Monday. 相关媒体上周一报道,美国商务部预计将于本...

  • 《太阳的后裔》的热播提升了中国付费用户的数量

    South Korean TV drama 'Descendants of the Sun' has boosted the number of paying viewers in China, who are accustomed to watch free shows on their phones and tablets. 韩国电视连续剧《太阳的后裔》大大提高了中国的付费观众人数,...

  • 台湾邀请外媒登南海太平岛

    As the C130 Hercules makes a bumpy landing on Taiwan-controlled Taiping island, a small tropical outcrop little longer than its 1.2km runway, mobile phones receive a text message from a Vietnamese network that says Welcome to Vietnam. 随着C-130大力...

  • 日本社会老年犯数量加速上升

    Japans prison system is being driven to budgetary crisis by demographics, a welfare shortfall and a new, pernicious breed of villain: the recidivist retiree. And the silver-haired crooks, say academics, are desperate to be behind bars. 日本的监狱系...

  • 叙利亚军队从ISIS夺回巴尔米拉

    Syrias armed forces say they have driven Isis militants out of Palmyra, recapturing the city of Roman ruins as part of a regional push that is putting pressure on the jihadis across Syria and Iraq. 叙利亚武装部队表示,他们已把伊拉克和...

  • 特朗普称将对日韩发展核武持开放立场

    Donald Trump said he would be open to Japan and South Korea building nuclear weapons to deter North Korea, and would consider withdrawing troops from both American allies unless they paid more for their own defence. 唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)表...

  • 华为公司天价签约梅西作为全球代言人

    He Gang, the head of Huawei Technologies smartphone unit, and Liu Tao, the Chinese companys CEO for Latin American consumer business, take selfies with Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi in Barcelona on last Thursday. The company has signed the 28-ye...

  • 报告显示:中国二线城市薪酬涨幅高于一线城市

    Salaries in China's second-tier cities rose higher than top-tier ones in 2015, but the gap between them is still widening, according to a survey released by China International Intellectech Corporation (CIIC). 根据中智经济技术合作公司的一...

  • FBI声称:没有苹果的帮助,也可以解锁iPhone!

    The FBI says it may have found a way to unlock the San Bernardino attacker's iPhone without Apple's assistance. 近日,美国联邦调查局表示,即使没有苹果的帮助,他们可能也找到了一种方法来解锁圣贝纳迪诺攻击者的...

  • 美国酒商放眼中国市场

    China is now the fourth largest market for California wine makers. Last year, China imported U.S. wines worth 71 million U.S. dollars. Camille Zanette, manager of Asia Market of Constellation Brands, believes wine makers should try to cater to Chines...

  • 上海发布房地产调控新政

    迅雷高速下载 音频下载[点击右键另存为] The government of Shanghai has announced its strictest-ever restrictions on home purchases, in a bid to cool down the overheating property market. The new regulation to restrict the housing marke...
