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  • 时隔四年 北京女篮重新夺取WCBA联赛总冠军

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    Bill Gates topped the list of the world's richest billionaires for the 17th time in 22 years, it has been revealed. 近日,新一期福布斯世界富豪排行榜揭晓,比尔盖茨在近22年内第17次问鼎榜首。 Though the 60-year-old Micr...

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    Some 34.3 million Americans watched the 2016 Oscars ceremony on Sunday, the smallest TV audience in eight years, according to national ratings data. 根据全美收视率数据显示,约3430万美国人在上周日收看了2016年奥斯卡典礼,创...

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    China has restarted nonperforming asset securitization after halting the business in 2009. 在2009年暂停之后,中国现在将重新启动不良资产证券化。 The five largest commercial lenders in the country-Industrial and Commercial Ban...

  • 张玉宁打入绝杀球 成为中国球员在荷兰联赛进球第一人!

    Chinese forward Zhang Yuning scored his first goal, also the maiden goal for a Chinese footballer, in Dutch top flight league on Sunday, propolling Vitesse Arnhem to a 2-1 victory over Roda JC. 在周日荷兰甲级联赛的一场比赛当中,维特斯...
