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  • 研究表明:工作时打盹不要怪自己!

    If you find yourself hitting the snooze button every morning, don't blame yourself.Your work schedule could be to blame. 如果你发现自己每天早上都打盹儿,那么别怪自己。你的工作时间才是应该责难的。 A growing field o...

  • 教育部:我国将恢复儿科本科招生

    China plans to restore the admission of pediatric undergraduates in universities to cater to the increasingly urgent demand for pediatricians after the country's only-child policy was loosened. 我国计划恢复高校儿科学本科招生,以应对全...

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  • 延迟退休方案将在明年正式出台

    China will set a plan to raise the statutory retirement age in 2017 to relieve pressures from an aging population, an official researcher said. 近日,一名官方研究人员表示,我国将于2017年出台延迟法定退休年龄的方案,以减...

  • 五大行手机转账免费 叫板第三方支付

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  • A股遭遇一个月来最大单日跌幅

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  • 联合国一官员称中美就制裁朝鲜达成一致

    The United States and China have reached an agreement on a new U.N. Security Council draft resolution aimed at punishing North Korea, a Security Council diplomat told CNN on Wednesday. The resolution is going to be described as the toughest yet on Py...

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  • 中国足协:足管中心已经撤销 足协脱钩基本完成

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  • 乐视网2015年净利激增

    BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- Earnings of Chinese online video website LeTV soared in 2015 thanks to brisk sales of its smart TV products, a preliminary earnings estimate showed on Sunday. Leshi Internet Information Technology Corp, or LeTV, reported...

  • G20会议提振经济信心

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  • 内地访港旅游人数连跌7月 购物天堂变"港囧"

    Hong Kong, a traditional shopping paradise, saw a drop in both the number of visitors and retail sales, China Economic Weekly has reported. 根据中国经济周刊报道,传统购物天堂香港遭遇了访客人数和零售销售额双跌的窘境。...

  • 萨顶顶拿反话筒暴露假唱 自黑下次演得更精细

    A well-known Chinese pop star accidentally revealed she was lip-synching instead of singing during a televised concert by brandishing her microphone the wrong way around. 近日,中国知名流行歌手萨顶顶在电视音乐晚会上因拿倒麦克...

  • 亚马逊Kindle电子书包月服务在华上线

    After witnessing growing interest in paid content in China, Amazon Kindle officially unveiled a new subscription service on Tuesday that offers all-you-can-read digital books for 12 yuan ($1.84) per month. 在见证了中国对支付内容产生日益浓...

  • 商务部长:中国经济增长已转为消费驱动

    China has successfully made the transformation from an economy whose growth is mainly driven by investment and foreign trade to one that is powered by domestic demand, especially consumption, said Gao Hucheng, minister of commerce, during a press con...
