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    Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel took aim at President Donald Trump, trashing him throughout the night and even provoking him from the stage with two tweets. 奥斯卡颁奖礼主持人吉米基梅尔将矛头对准唐纳德特朗普总统,整个晚上都在...

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  • 如果特朗普是种食物,他是啥

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  • 伊万卡坐总统椅照相遭美国网友猛批

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  • 清华大学降低国际学生录取门槛引争议

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  • 工信部 我国4G用户已达到7.7亿户

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  • 中国研修生被曝在日本遭受压榨

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  • 人工智能是一种“全新生产要素”

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  • 美国新财长:不急于评判中国汇率政策

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  • “美国优先”的前生今世

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