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    China is planning to ban online games for minors from midnight to 8:00 am, according to a draft regulation on the protection of minors issued by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs. 据中央网络事务领导小组办公室日...

  • 中国将在三年内新增就业5000万

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  • 中国移动支付规模远超美国

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  • 小米将不会参加全球移动大会 旗舰小米6延期发布

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    Apple is to start making iPhones in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, the state's government has said. 印度南部卡纳塔克邦政府日前表示,苹果公司打算在该城邦生产iPhone。 Ministers said Apple would start an initial man...

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  • 为推进全球化战略 阿里巴巴在墨尔本设立澳洲总部

    Alibaba Group Holding Limited opened its Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) headquarters in Australia's Melbourne. 阿里巴巴控股有限公司在澳大利亚墨尔本开设了澳大利亚和新西兰(ANZ)总部。 With a local office and expert...

  • 微博市值超过Twitter

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