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  • 报告显示 中国移动支付规模是美国的近50倍

    Payments made on Chinese smartphones are nearly 50 times greater than the number of mobile transactions in the United States, signaling a late-mover advantage with robust potential for the fintech sector, the Financial Times reported. 据《金融时报...

  • 网络餐饮新规征求意见 商家应有实体店

    Businesses providing catering services online are required to acquire food trade licenses and have brick-and-mortar stores, according to China Food and Drug Administration. 国家食品药品监督管理总局日前声称,提供网络餐饮服务的商...

  • 13岁女孩花光父母25万积蓄 只为打赏网络男主播!

    An employee in the public relations department at Tencent Holdings, operator of a live-broadcast app through which a man received online payments of more than 250,000 yuan ($36,400) from a 13-year-old girl for his singing talent, said the girl might...

  • 精神病人也能配枪? 美参院废除奥巴马控枪法案!

    An Obama-era regulation that tightened gun checks on mentally-ill buyers has been blocked by the US Senate and could be signed into law by the White House. 奥巴马控枪法案中检查购枪者精神疾病的这一法规已于日前被美国参议院...

  • 英国大学开巧克力博士班 设高额奖学金

    A UK university is seeking doctoral candidates to undertake a PhD in chocolate. 一所英国大学正在寻找攻读巧克力博士学位的人选。 The University of the West of England is offering a 15,000 pounds-per-year grant to study the geneti...

  • 三星公司掌门人李在镕被批捕

    Samsung's heir apparent Lee Jae-yong has been placed under arrest in South Korea, accused of bribery and other charges. 日前,三星公司的继任人李在镕因被控行贿及其他罪名,已在韩国被逮捕。 The case is linked to a scanda...

  • 《炉石传说》即将迎来猛犸年 拉格纳罗斯等将被移除

    If you play Blizzard's massive card game Hearthstone, and millions do, you probably have two of the most iconic cards Sylvanas Windrunner and Ragnaros the Firelord knocking around at least a couple of your decks. Well, not for much longer. 如果你和...

  • 我国首艘国产航母预计今年稍晚时候下水

    China's second aircraft carrier is scheduled to be launched later this year and is expected to enter service by 2020, according to Xu Guangyu, a retired Chinese military officer and consultant to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association. 我国...

  • 谷歌总裁百忙之中给7岁求职女孩回信

    An entrepreneurial seven year old wrote to Google for a job and its CEO replied. 一个具有创业精神的七岁女孩向谷歌公司递交了求职信,并收到了谷歌首席执行官的回复。 After discussing her father's work, Chloe Bridge...

  • 大学生月均消费1212元 三成以上学生生活费不够花

    A survey on spending habits among college students showed 94% depend on their parents or relatives for living expenses and over 30% are short of money. 一项针对大学生消费习惯的调查显示,94%的大学生的生活费由父母或亲戚提供...

  • 美航母部署有争议南海测试中国决心

    The US has deployed an aircraft carrier strike group to patrol the South China Sea days after Beijing told Washington not to challenge its supposed ownership of the waterway. 在北京告诉华盛顿不要挑战它对南海水道的主权后,美国开...

  • 特朗普:朕的白宫好着呢,坏消息都是假新闻

    Donald Trump claimed on Thursday that his administration is 'running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I cannot get my cabinet approved.' 周四,川普称尽管内阁成员还未全数通过,但他的政府就像一台经过精准调...

  • 中国游客因小费问题在越南遭受毒打

    A Chinese man's pre-wedding photo-shoot turned into a nightmare after as he was beaten by Vietnamese frontier officers, the Beijing Times is reporting. 据《新京报》报道,一名中国男子的婚纱照之旅却因被越南边防军官暴打而变...

  • 比尔·盖茨开通微信公众号 录制中文视频问候粉丝

    Bill Gates has opened a personal account on the popular Chinese social media platform WeChat, greeting Chinese fans in clumsy Chinese in his first post dated. 近日,比尔盖茨开通了自己的微信账号,并在发布的第一份推文中用稍...

  • 中国抛售美债增持日本国债 成最大日本债券持有国

    China has become the biggest holder of Japanese bonds, the National Business Daily reported. 据《每日经济新闻》报道,中国已经成为日本国债的最大持有者。 Japanese investors sold 2.262 trillion yen ($20.1 billion) of U.S. bo...
