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    Lawyers for the EU and other trading partners have begun laying the groundwork for a legal challenge to a US border tax proposal that could trigger the biggest case in World Trade Organisation history. 欧盟和其他贸易伙伴国的律师团队已展...

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    Japan accepted just 28 refugees in last year, one more than it took in 2015, underscoring its ultra-strict approach to asylum at a time when other nations are increasingly reluctant to take in people fleeing war or persecution. 去年日本仅接受了...

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  • 传俄罗斯或将斯诺登引渡回美国

    Russia has contemplated returning Edward Snowden to the United States as a gift to President Trump, less than four years after the former NSA contractor took refuge there, according to a new report. 根据一篇新报道,俄罗斯正考虑将前美国...

  • 印度2020年前将实现'无卡支付'

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  • 希拉里女儿为特朗普的小儿子发声!

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  • 2017国际房价负担能力调查报告发布 香港仍高居第一

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  • 2017年校园足球计划公布 将建成2万所足球特色学校

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  • 2017年全球最具价值品牌榜出炉 谷歌高居榜首

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  • 中国火星探测器网络征名评出前8强

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  • 2020年俄罗斯将把中文纳入国家统一考试体系

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  • 日本百年家族企业的生存秘诀 养子继承制度!

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  • 最长可留美5年 美国外籍创业家签证7月生效

    Starting on July 17, foreigners can apply for parole status to stay and build fast-growing startups in the US. 7月17日起,外籍人士可申请假释身份在美停留、创办快速发展的初创公司。 Such status is usually granted to indiv...

  • 科学家拨快末日钟 距离世界末日仅2.5分钟

    Scientists say the world has edged closer to apocalypse in the past year amid a darkening security landscape and comments by Donald Trump. 科学家们表示,过去一年,随着暗淡的安全环境和唐纳德特朗普的言论,世界已经逐渐...
