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  • 经济学人:阿里巴巴 一审再审(下) Most intriguingly, the American regulator is also scrutinising how the company has handled its many related-party transactions. Jack Ma, the firm's founder, caused outrage when he unilaterally spun off AliPay, Alibaba's lucrative online-payments arm,
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  • 经济学人:德国名企股东闹不和 双方陷冷战 German business 德国商业 Screwdrivers drawn 拉锯战 A shareholder stand-off in the Black Forest 黑森林里的股东对峙 If you have ever struggled to assemble a flat-pack wardrobe, the chances are that its wooden pieces were cut, drilled an
  • 经济学人:德国大众 征服全世界(上) Volkswagen 大众汽车 VW conquers the world 大众征服世界 Germanys biggest carmaker is leaving rivals in the dust 德国最大汽车制造商令对手望尘莫及 When Ferdinand Piech arrived as Volkswagens chief executive in 1993, things look
  • 经济学人:德国大众 征服全世界(下) VW bet on China nearly 30 years ago. Now it is the worlds biggest car market and VW has 18% of it, through two joint ventures. They sell 2m vehicles a year and plan to double this by 2018. A glut of cheap cars is hurting prices in China but VWs premi
  • 经济学人:德国偷金属的贼 Metal thieves in Germany 德国偷金属的贼 Stealing steel 金属窃贼偷窃钢材 Why the trains are late 火车晚点的原因 In the wee hours of a recent morning a young man with a rucksack was sauntering along the railway line near Grossbeer
  • 经济学人:国外私立大学 是贵还是对? Private universities 私立大学 A degree of frustration 一定程度的沮丧 Higher education is embracing private suppliersbut timidly 高等教育欢迎私立大学办学者但是仍显怯懦 The first batch of 60 undergraduates at the New Colle
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  • 经济学人:欧洲多国陷马肉风波 食品安全谁来保障? Britain The horse-meat scandal 英国 马肉风波 And the winner is 谁是赢家? What horse-shy consumers are eating instead 不吃马肉的消费者他们还可以吃什么? On the face of it, local butchers and vegetarianism have little in co
  • 经济学人:英国4G频谱拍卖 衙门居然没得赚? Britain The 4G spectrum auction 英国 英国4G频谱拍卖 Second time around 再来一发? No bonanza for the government, but that might be no bad thing 这一次衙门估计没得赚,不过或许不是什么坏事 Just under 13 years ago the f
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  • 经济学人:遭版权方起诉?YouTube示范如何规避雷区 Business: YouTube and copyright Free and easy listening 商业:YouTube涉及版权问题,免费自在地听音乐 The music industry lobbies Congress to keep YouTube at bay. 音乐产业游说国会远离YouTube. IN LOVE or in business, it is not
  • 经济学人:英首相叫停核电站建设 中国在英投资热下降(上) Britain: Chinese investment: Not so gung-ho 英国:中国在英投资热下降 Relations may cool, but the flow of yuan into Britain is unlikely to dry up. 两国关系可能会降温,但人民币会继续流向英国。 After spending a century
  • 经济学人:英首相叫停核电站建设 中国在英投资热下降(下) The new government has begun to explore what type of trade deal it could strike with the Chinese, but that process could be more difficult if the nuclear project is blocked. 英国新政府已经开始探索能与中国达成何种交易,但如果这