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时间:2016-07-22 02:43来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   GWEN IFILL: Orlando, a city that evokes1 theme parks and good times, now also a blood-stained entry in American history, 49 people, plus the killer2, slain3 at a gay nightclub. Sunday's massacre4 led today to a search for motive5 and for missed signals.

  William Brangham begins our coverage6 in Orlando.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: There was relative calm outside the Pulse nightclub this morning, a far remove from the chaos7 of 24 hours earlier. Amateur video captured the terror, gunshots shattering the party atmosphere inside the club.
  The man firing the shots was 29-year-old Omar Mateen, ultimately killed by a SWAT team inside. Police said today they have no regrets about storming the club.
  JOHN MINA, Chief, Orlando Police Department: Based on information we received from the suspect, and from the hostages, and people inside, we believed further loss of life was imminent8. I made the decision to commence the rescue operation and do the explosive breach9.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: During the attack, Mateen called 911 dispatchers and pledged loyalty10 to the Islamic State.
  Today, ISIS radio released an audio statement calling him a soldier of the caliphate. And officials in Saudi Arabia confirmed he'd visited their country twice for pilgrimages.
  But, in Washington, FBI Director James Comey said there's every reason to think Mateen acted on his own.
  JAMES COMEY, Director, FBI: There are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. So far, we see no indication that this was a plot directed from outside the United States, and we see no indication that he was part of any kind of network.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The FBI had investigated Mateen on suspicions of terrorist sympathies, but the results were inconclusive, and Comey defended his agents' work.
  JAMES COMEY: Our investigation11 involved introducing confidential12 sources to him, recording13 conversations with him, following him, reviewing transactional records from his communications, and searching all government holdings for any possible connections, any possible derogatory information.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: As investigators14 now searched the gunman's home in Fort Pierce, Florida, sharply differing images of him have emerged. His Afghan-born father apologized again today to the victims.
  And in a Facebook video, speaking in Dari, he reflected on his son and the crime he committed.
  SEDDIQUE MIR MATEEN, Father of Omar Mateen: My son Omar a good son and educated person. I don't know what caused him to do it. I don't know what happened. And I didn't know he had hatred15. The issue of homosexuality and punishment belongs to God. It doesn't belong to a servant of Allah
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: But Mateen's ex-wife painted a starkly16 different picture, saying he was abusive, mentally unstable17 and full of hate.
  At the White House, President Obama spoke18 of his own concerns about such individuals.
  PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: One of the biggest challenges we are going to have is this kind of propaganda and perversions19 of Islam that you see generated on the Internet, and the capacity for that to seep20 into the minds of troubled individuals.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Meanwhile, police said today they have identified nearly all of the victims, among them, accountants, baristas, hairdressers, people, mostly young, who'd been looking to unwind with a night of music and dancing.
  With the city's wounds still fresh, Orlando's Mayor Buddy21 Dyer thanked the city for its response.
  MAYOR BUDDY DYER, Orlando: We will not be defined by the act of a cowardly hater. We will be defined by how we respond, how we treat each other. And this community has already stepped up to do that.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: As the country awaits the latest developments in this investigation, a small army of volunteers here in Orlando have come to this community center to do what they can to help out.
  They loaded food and water today at Orlando's biggest LGBT community center, just minutes from the site of the rampage. Many said they came to lend a hand, but also just to be with others in mourning.
  COREY LYONS, President, Impulse Group Orlando: It's tragic22. It's tragic across the board. We saw the act of what one person can do, but in the same day within 12 hours, we saw the acts of what many can do together to really fight this incident and really try to come together.
  CHRISTIE CRUZ, Volunteer: We're all people, and it just hurts cause it's black, white, gay, no matter what. It doesn't matter,
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: It's an attack on everybody.
  CHRISTIE CRUZ: It's just — yes, we're all people, we're all human, and we — it's just — it's hard to deal with. That's the thing about the gay community, is, we all know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody, because this is a close group, and we're — it hurts us all.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The shooting happened as Latin Night at the Pulse nightclub was winding23 down, and a majority of the victims identified so far are Hispanic.
  Christian24 Castelan is Mexican-American and gay.
  CHRISTIAN CASTELAN, Volunteer: I went out to dinner last night with my significant other and other friends, and just being closed to him, that is even scary, after what happened, because I was constantly just looking around. It just went from completely comfortable to just completely fearful in a matter of hours. And it just continues to become much more difficult than what it was yesterday.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: A vigil is being held later tonight for the victims of the shooting. It's about less than a mile away from the nightclub where they lost their lives — Gwen.
  GWEN IFILL: William, I just heard that young man said to say to you that they went from being comfortable to terrified so quickly. Is it fair to say that the community is still in a state of shock tonight?
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Absolutely. I mean, the sense here is that this, like so many other communities that have experienced this type of a tragedy, the sense of safety that they had has been snatched away from them.
  And that's something we heard not just from the gay community, but largely in that community here, all over Orlando.
  GWEN IFILL: So, William, is there a special impact in the gay — if this was Latin night at a gay nightclub, a special impact in the gay and lesbian community?
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: It was, absolutely.
  I mean, the Latino community, as we know, it's largely a conservative community. And being gay in the Latino community is not as easy as it might be, say, in the white community. And a lot of people mentioned to me that there might be the possibility that people who were shot, people who might have been killed or wounded in this event might not have been out even to their own families.
  And so now they are forced to have this conversation that maybe they weren't ready to be having, that, oh, I was at this club when this happened.
  It just raised one more level of a very, very uncomfortable conversation for them at a time of this awful tragedy going on here.
  GWEN IFILL: And is there evidence now of heightened security around, in and around Orlando, but especially in that neighborhood?
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Absolutely. We spent a good deal of time today and yesterday at that community center.
  And now even there every time they don't let people stand outside, for fear of drive-by shootings. They are checking bags everywhere they go. How much of that lasts after this event dies down and people start to go on with their lives, we don't know. But there is a very strong sense of security here everywhere.
  GWEN IFILL: William, thank so much. We will hear from you again tomorrow night.
  WILLIAM BRANGHAM: All right, good night, Gwen.


1 evokes d4c5d0beb1ad413369ccd9a98dfa9683     
产生,引起,唤起( evoke的第三人称单数 )
  • The film evokes chilling reminders of the war. 这部电影使人们回忆起战争的可怕场景。
  • Each type evokes antibodies which protect against the homologous. 每一种类型都能产生抗同种病毒的抗体。
2 killer rpLziK     
  • Heart attacks have become Britain's No.1 killer disease.心脏病已成为英国的头号致命疾病。
  • The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.大量证据证明是他杀死她的。
3 slain slain     
杀死,宰杀,杀戮( slay的过去分词 ); (slay的过去分词)
  • The soldiers slain in the battle were burried that night. 在那天夜晚埋葬了在战斗中牺牲了的战士。
  • His boy was dead, slain by the hand of the false Amulius. 他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。
4 massacre i71zk     
  • There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.在战争中,这里的村民惨遭屠杀。
  • If we forget the massacre,the massacre will happen again!忘记了大屠杀,大屠杀就有可能再次发生!
5 motive GFzxz     
  • The police could not find a motive for the murder.警察不能找到谋杀的动机。
  • He had some motive in telling this fable.他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。
6 coverage nvwz7v     
  • There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。
  • This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage.这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。
7 chaos 7bZyz     
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
8 imminent zc9z2     
  • The black clounds show that a storm is imminent.乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。
  • The country is in imminent danger.国难当头。
9 breach 2sgzw     
  • We won't have any breach of discipline.我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
  • He was sued for breach of contract.他因不履行合同而被起诉。
10 loyalty gA9xu     
  • She told him the truth from a sense of loyalty.她告诉他真相是出于忠诚。
  • His loyalty to his friends was never in doubt.他对朋友的一片忠心从来没受到怀疑。
11 investigation MRKzq     
  • In an investigation,a new fact became known, which told against him.在调查中新发现了一件对他不利的事实。
  • He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation.他根据自己的调查研究作出结论。
12 confidential MOKzA     
  • He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters.他不让秘书处理机密文件。
  • We have a confidential exchange of views.我们推心置腹地交换意见。
13 recording UktzJj     
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
14 investigators e970f9140785518a87fc81641b7c89f7     
n.调查者,审查者( investigator的名词复数 )
  • This memo could be the smoking gun that investigators have been looking for. 这份备忘录可能是调查人员一直在寻找的证据。
  • The team consisted of six investigators and two secretaries. 这个团队由六个调查人员和两个秘书组成。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 hatred T5Gyg     
  • He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
  • The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists.老人对法西斯主义者充满了仇恨。
16 starkly 4e0b2db3ce8605be1f8d536fac698e3f     
adj. 变硬了的,完全的 adv. 完全,实在,简直
  • The city of Befast remains starkly divided between Catholics and Protestants. 贝尔法斯特市完全被处在天主教徒和新教徒的纷争之中。
  • The black rocks stood out starkly against the sky. 那些黑色的岩石在天空衬托下十分显眼。
17 unstable Ijgwa     
  • This bookcase is too unstable to hold so many books.这书橱很不结实,装不了这么多书。
  • The patient's condition was unstable.那患者的病情不稳定。
18 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
19 perversions e839e16238e077d0a8abcdff822e8be6     
n.歪曲( perversion的名词复数 );变坏;变态心理
  • Many practices commonly regarded as perversions were widespread. 许多通常认为是性变态的行为的做法实际上是广泛存在的。 来自辞典例句
20 seep rDSzK     
  • My anger began to seep away.我的怒火开始消下去了。
  • If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland,it may seep directly into the ground.如果雨水不从陆地蒸发和流走的话,就可能直接渗入地下。
21 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
22 tragic inaw2     
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
23 winding Ue7z09     
  • A winding lane led down towards the river.一条弯弯曲曲的小路通向河边。
  • The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。
24 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
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