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时间:2016-07-22 03:03来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   PATRICIA SAGBA: At the Cap 'n' Gown pub in Worcestershire, England, pints1 go hand in hand with politics. On tap tonight – the upcoming referendum when British voters will decide whether to stay in or leave the European Union.

  PATRICIA SAGBA: Which way are you thinking of voting?
  SASKIA: I'm not sure yet. I'm waiting to be educated.
  BECKY: I'm thinking in, but I still need to get more education on it.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: Famous for the Lea and Perrins sauce that bears its name, the county of Worcestershire, 136 miles west of London, has been at the epicenter of defining moments in British history – like the 1651 Battle of Worcester that ended the English Civil War.
  Still largely rural, its cathedral and cricket clubs are quintessentially British. With 92 percent of its roughly 600,000 residents White, it is more ethnically3 homogenous4 than the national average.
  PATRICIA SABGA: In the battle over Britain's future ties to the European Union, the county of Worcestershire is a bellwether5. And right now voters here are pretty evenly divided between those who want to stay in the EU and those who feel Britain would be better off going it alone.
  To woo the undecided, both sides have unleashed6 a media blitz.
  BRITAIN STRONGER IN EUROPE AD: If we left, independent experts estimate 950-thousand jobs would be lost.
  VOTE LEAVE AD: The Euro is broke, and the EU plans to let in another five countries.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: So Cap 'n' Gown owner Ted2 Marshall is trying to cut through the noise. He's organized seven debates in the run-up to the referendum.
  TED MARSHALL: I would ask the people don't heckle too much.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: This gathering7 tackled perhaps the most divisive issue: the "freedom of movement" rule that allows citizens of the EU's 27 other member states to move to Britain, work here, and receive generous government benefits, including free health care for themselves and their families.
  TED MARSHALL: Donald Trump8 has talked a lot about migration9 — you call it immigration — and that's the biggest issue here for this EU referendum, no question at all.
  Man: This house believes…
  PATRICIA SAGBA: Since 2004, when the EU expanded to include countries in Eastern Europe, the number of non-British, EU-born citizens working in the UK has quadrupled from around half a million to nearly two million. An influx10 that's pushed 21-year-old Worcestershire native Ellis Tustin to the leave camp.
  ELLIS TUSTIN: Interested in leaving the union?
  PATRICIA SAGBA: The first person in his family to go to university, Tustin says EU membership has fueled immigration that's harmed working class communities like his.
  ELLIS TUSTIN: The entire culture of the town is totally shifted, into you know, it's almost for many people in this town they feel it's an Eastern European town now.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: That's one reason why Tustin joined the eEro-skeptic UKIP — the UK independence party. Described by critics as far right, Tustin says the party has been derided11 for a platform many Brits are too afraid to voice.
  ELLIS TUSTIN: People are afraid of saying I'm tired of, you know, doctor's appointments becoming longer, I'm worried about my children not getting that place in school. Because as soon as someone says something like this in this country, they are immediately cast as racist12 or xenophobic.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: Tustin is not afraid to argue EU membership has hurt British workers, because, he says, immigrants willing to work for less poach jobs.
  ELLIS TUSTIN: A lot of the work that people are doing is low paid jobs, and those are the jobs where the value is being undercut. Those are the jobs where people will say to the employers, 'I will happily work for five pounds less than him and still do the same job.'
  PATRICIA SAGBA: On the other side of the debate is 23-year-old Worcestershire-born Richard Fulloway, a member of the youth wing of Britain's conservative party, Fulloway is applying to become a royal naval13 officer – a career goal that informs his views.
  RICHARD FULLOWAY: What I'm looking at is the sort of bigger picture around Britain's influence in the world where Britain stands in the world.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: For Fulloway, that means not swimming away from Europe.
  RICHARD FULLOWAY: The world is joining into power blocks, so you've got China, you've got Russia pushing its weight around over in the Ukraine, You've got China is the South China Sea. You've got Japan looking to rearm. You've got the U.S. trying to find its place in the world. I think as a country we are much better off as a group of 500 million people than we are on our own as 67 million people."
  PATRICIA SAGBA: It's a group that's given Britain access to the world's largest trade barrier-free single market without having to adopt Europe's troubled single currency, the Euro, or bailout struggling euro-economies like Greece.
  RICHARD FULLOWAY:We are in such a special position. If we left, you'd start paying import fees, you start paying export fees, you start, trade barriers start going up. Those jobs then start to become harder to pay for, and businesses start to let people go.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: A chorus of voices is warning that leaving the EU would harm Britain's economy, and that negotiating a new trade deal with Europe could be difficult.
  But some small business owners have found life under the EU too difficult.
  MIKE HUMM: I heard it described recently as a stitch up between big global corporations and the big banks. And it's beginning to show like that.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: Mike Humm owns the Holywell Water company, which bottles and sells water from the Holywell spring nestled in Worcestershire's Malvern hills.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: How long has this spring been going?
  MIKE HUMM: Oh, I don't know. (laughs) It first came into history in 1558.
  Patricia Sagba: But according to EU rules, Humm couldn't label his water "spring" water, because he passes it through ultraviolet light to kill off potential viruses or bacteria.
  MIKE HUMM: It goes through the UV filter, which is that stainless14 steel tube with the red end."
  PATRICIA SAGBA: That's the one that's causing all the problems with the EU?
  PATRICIA SAGBA: Because Humm sells his product only in Britain, the UK government allows him to call it "spring water." Still, he spent months fighting an EU regulation, he says, was based on guidelines drafted by big corporations.
  MIKE HUMM: Danon, Coca Cola, Nestle. What they're doing is protecting their market, and the inference is that Malvern water is not as good as theirs. That it's not a fine water. And that's rubbish.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: But some British small business owners have thrived in the EU.
  RICHARD BOORN: I passionately15 want to stay. It's very important to our business."
  PATRICIA SAGBA: Richard Boorn owns Bondtech, which manufactures specialty16 adhesives17 for bonding metal and horse hooves.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: How does being a part of the EU facilitate your business?
  RICHARD BOORN: It enables us to bring goods in without trade barriers.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: …which means Boorn doesn't pay import taxes on the raw materials he sources from other European countries. But if Britain were to leave the EU…
  RICHARD BOORN: We will pay more for our goods, because there will be important tariffs18. This belief that we can stand alone — that boat sailed many years ago. We need to be part of the biggest trading group in the world.
  PATRICIA SABGA: Many of the issues at play in the British referendum will resonate with American voters. Like the impact of immigration on jobs and the economy, or isolationism versus19 internationalism. And like the U.S. Presidential election, the politics of identity are shaping voter attitudes on this side of the pond.
  ELLIS TUSTIN: My grandfather he has stories going back 80, 70 years on this street. Now he did not stand as a kid in the center of the street there, looking at German bombers20 going over the top of us, for then 70 years later to have his sovereignty dictated21 by the same country that then tried to do it then
  PATRICIA SAGBA: For Leave campaigner Ellis Tustin, that identity includes a Britain which emerged from the ashes of World War II to remain a world power.
  ELLIS TUSTIN: We are the fifth largest economy in the world. We have the fourth largest military budget. We hold a seat on the Security Council. We are a member-founder of the G-8. We are worth more than a star on somebody else's map.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: But Stay campaigner Richard Fulloway believes the nation should take pride in its EU standing22.
  RICHARD FULLOWAY: When I you know see our Prime Minister sit at the table as equal with every other European nation, I don't understand why you would not feel proud to be at that table. I don't know why standing outside that room would make you more proud to be British.
  PATRICIA SAGBA: At the Cap 'n' Gown, the stay camp won this debate by a show of hand, but the arguments rage on.
  MAN: Why can't we see my doctor then?
  MAN: This country…
  MAN: Let's move on, please!
  PATRICIA SAGBA: If Britain votes to leave, it will start a two year clock to officially exit the EU. And if it votes to stay…
  TED MARSHALL: If we stay, let's get in there. Let's make Europe great as well as Great Britain. If we leave, we've got a lot of work to do, we've got a lot work to do. But, we are Great Britain.


1 pints b9e5a292456657f1f11f1dc350ea8581     
n.品脱( pint的名词复数 );一品脱啤酒
  • I drew off three pints of beer from the barrel. 我从酒桶里抽出三品脱啤酒。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Two pints today, please. 今天请来两品脱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 ted 9gazhs     
  • The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
  • She often teds the corn when it's sunny.天好的时候她就翻晒玉米。
3 ethnically 5cad57d992c22d4f4a6ad0169c5276d2     
  • Ethnically, the Yuan Empire comprised most of modern China's ethnic groups. 元朝的民族成分包括现今中国绝大多数民族。 来自汉英非文学 - 白皮书
  • Russia is ethnically relatively homogeneous. 俄罗斯是个民族成分相对单一的国家。 来自辞典例句
4 homogenous NrkzVM     
  • Japan is a wealthy,homogenous,developed nation with a stable political system.日本是一个富裕的同质型发达国家,政治体制稳定。
  • My family is very homogenous and happy.我们这个家庭很和睦很幸福。
5 bellwether Wo0yP     
  • University campuses are often the bellwether of change.大学校园往往引领变革的新潮。
  • For decades the company was the bellwether of the British economy.几十年来,这家公司一直是英国经济的晴雨表。
6 unleashed unleashed     
v.把(感情、力量等)释放出来,发泄( unleash的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The government's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press. 政府的提案引发了新闻界的抗议浪潮。
  • The full force of his rage was unleashed against me. 他把所有的怒气都发泄在我身上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 gathering ChmxZ     
  • He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
  • He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
8 trump LU1zK     
  • He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown.他始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
  • The coach saved his star player for a trump card.教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
9 migration mDpxj     
  • Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移。
  • He described the vernal migration of birds in detail.他详细地描述了鸟的春季移居。
10 influx c7lxL     
  • The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.这个国家实在不能接纳这么多涌入的难民。
  • Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth.纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施,因为他们担心涌入廉价纺织品。
11 derided 1f15d33e96bce4cf40473b17affb79b6     
v.取笑,嘲笑( deride的过去式和过去分词 )
  • His views were derided as old-fashioned. 他的观点被当作旧思想受到嘲弄。
  • Gazing up to the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity. 我抬头疑视着黑暗,感到自己是一个被虚荣心驱使和拨弄的可怜虫。 来自辞典例句
12 racist GSRxZ     
  • a series of racist attacks 一连串的种族袭击行为
  • His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。
13 naval h1lyU     
  • He took part in a great naval battle.他参加了一次大海战。
  • The harbour is an important naval base.该港是一个重要的海军基地。
14 stainless kuSwr     
  • I have a set of stainless knives and forks.我有一套不锈钢刀叉。
  • Before the recent political scandal,her reputation had been stainless.在最近的政治丑闻之前,她的名声是无懈可击的。
15 passionately YmDzQ4     
  • She could hate as passionately as she could love. 她能恨得咬牙切齿,也能爱得一往情深。
  • He was passionately addicted to pop music. 他酷爱流行音乐。
16 specialty SrGy7     
  • Shell carvings are a specialty of the town.贝雕是该城的特产。
  • His specialty is English literature.他的专业是英国文学。
17 adhesives 13e253cdc27800dd9a236fa730288de4     
黏合剂( adhesive的名词复数 )
  • These include dyes, adhesives, solvents, detergents, metals, and other foreign materials. 其中包括染料,粘合剂,溶剂,洗涤剂、金属等外界物质。
  • Preparation, properties and kinds of polyurethane adhesives were described. 综述了聚氨酯胶粘剂的合成、特性和种类。
18 tariffs a7eb9a3f31e3d6290c240675a80156ec     
关税制度; 关税( tariff的名词复数 ); 关税表; (旅馆或饭店等的)收费表; 量刑标准
  • British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs. 保护性关税使英国工业免受国际竞争影响。
  • The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade. 新的关税制对开展贸易极为不利。
19 versus wi7wU     
  • The big match tonight is England versus Spain.今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对耶鲁队。
20 bombers 38202cf84a1722d1f7273ea32117f60d     
n.轰炸机( bomber的名词复数 );投弹手;安非他明胶囊;大麻叶香烟
  • Enemy bombers carried out a blitz on the city. 敌军轰炸机对这座城市进行了突袭。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers. 英国皇家空军仍未脱离极为缺乏轰炸机的危境。 来自《简明英汉词典》
21 dictated aa4dc65f69c81352fa034c36d66908ec     
v.大声讲或读( dictate的过去式和过去分词 );口授;支配;摆布
  • He dictated a letter to his secretary. 他向秘书口授信稿。
  • No person of a strong character likes to be dictated to. 没有一个个性强的人愿受人使唤。 来自《简明英汉词典》
22 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
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