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  • PBS高端访谈:新冠疫情会改变我们的社会吗 JUDY WOODRUFF: With COVID-19 cases on the rise in many parts of the country, it's easy to think that we are living in unprecedented times, but is that true? Jeffrey Brown spoke with two historians about how pandemics have shaped societies in the past
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  • PBS高端访谈:"骄傲月”引发的故事 Hari Sreenivasan: As we celebrate Pride this month, we are reminded of a community that has fought to have its voice heard and has endured a different type of epidemic, the AIDS crisis. Decades ago Stefan Lynch was raised by gay parents in the '80s a
  • PBS高端访谈:美国佛州新增确诊病例现单日最大增幅,各种病毒四起 Sreenivasan: For more about Florida's response, I spoke with Ben Conarck, who covers health care for the Miami Herald earlier today. Ben, where is Florida now in responding to the surge in coronavirus cases? Ben: I think it's really kind of...we're s
  • PBS高端访谈:美国佛州新增确诊病例现单日最大增幅,各种病毒四起 Sreenivasan: For more about Florida's response, I spoke with Ben Conarck, who covers health care for the Miami Herald earlier today. Ben, where is Florida now in responding to the surge in coronavirus cases? Ben: I think it's really kind of...we're s
  • PBS高端访谈:福奇博士被贴上“懦夫”标签 AMNA NAWAZ: The rollback of reopenings is growing tonight, as the coronavirus explosion gains new energy. But the man leading the public health fight is increasingly a target himself. White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor begins our coverage. YA
  • PBS高端访谈:今年的“环法自行车赛”变成虚拟骑行 Sreenivasan: For more than 100 years, the middle of the summer has signaled the Tour DeFrance annual bike race across France. This year, due to the pandemic, the world's mostwatched bike race is delayed. But there is a heavily watched virtual one goi
  • PBS高端访谈:美国特工开车拖走抗议人员 JUDY WOODRUFF: Some of the recent protests against police violence and racism have been met with a federal response. And in Portland, Oregon, local officials believe that presence is causing more harm than good. John Yang reports on the growing rift
  • PBS高端访谈:受新冠影响的美国企业关心的两大问题 JUDY WOODRUFF: First, let's hear from some of the people who stand to be affected by the legislation that Congress is considering. Two of the major sticking points that Lisa just mentioned, extending unemployment benefits beyond the end of the month,
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普恢复新冠疫情发布会 JUDY WOODRUFF:The resurgence of COVID-19 has more of the country facing a choice tonight: Mask up or shut down. And, in Washington, it has political leaders facing critical choices of their own. White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor begins our c
  • PBS高端访谈:约翰·刘易斯的葬礼 Hari Sreenivasan: I spoke with Alabama Public Radio news director Pat Duggins earlier today about the memorial service in Troy and tomorrow's planned procession from Selma to Montgomery. First, this is the beginning of a long series of days. Well, we
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