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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>时差N小时>


  • 时差N小时 我们为什么要睡觉?(上)

    It's such a commonplace event that you probably never asked yourself why you sleep. 睡觉是个特别自然的事儿,你大概从来没有问过自己为什么会睡觉。 But from a scientific point of view, this is far from a mundane matter -- 但...

  • 时差N小时 火山灰对飞机的危害有多大?(下)

    The obvious risk of this happening to crowded passenger planes in British airspace was enough for the UK's Civil Aviation Authority to enforce a total ban on flights-a move which was mirrored by other northern European countries. 这种情况发生在英...

  • 时差N小时 火山灰对飞机的危害有多大?(上)

    After six days of being grounded aeroplanes have been given the all-clear to fly in British airspace again. 在停飞6天后,各架航班收到了在英国领空再次起飞的解除警报信号。 The UK has effectively been a no-fly zone since la...

  • 时差N小时 好学生应该如何形容?(下)

    Look at this old photo of our class at school. 看看这张我们班级的老照片。 Oh yes, there's Simon Studious. He was such a swot. I wonder whatever happened to him. 哦,是的,这是好学生西蒙。他真是个学霸。我想知道他现...

  • 时差N小时 好学生应该如何形容?(上)

    It seems you were an awful student. 看来你是个差生。 Well, it's true I was never a swot. 嗯,你说对了,我从来就不是swot。 A what? 一个什么? A swot. S.W.O.T. Swot. Can you guess what it means? 一个swot呀。你知道这个词...

  • 时差N小时 课堂上的捣蛋学生(下)

    History: Diarmuid has failed to learn anything this year because he spends all his time chatting at the back of the classroom. 历史老师这样写道:戴拉蒙德今年什么都没学会,因为他将自己所有的时间都浪费在教室后面的...

  • 时差N小时 课堂上的捣蛋学生(上)

    Dear, oh dear. 哦,我的天啊。 Hi Diarmuid. What are you laughing at? 嗨,戴拉蒙德。你在笑什么呢? I'm just looking at these. My mum found them in the attic. 我只是在看这些。我妈妈在阁楼上找到的。 What are they?...

  • 时差N小时 你对隐形眼镜了解多少?(下)

    Depending on your vision, the right kind of lens helps your eye focus light properly and projecta clear image onto the retina. 取决于你的视觉,合适的眼镜会帮助眼睛准确的聚焦光线,在视网膜上形成一个清晰的影像。...

  • 时差N小时 你对隐形眼镜了解多少?(上)

    Hi Don, what's new? 嗨,唐,有什么趣闻吗? Everything! 趣闻无处不在! What do you mean? 这话是什么意? The clouds, the grass, this pencil, my chair... 白云,草地,这支铅笔,我的椅子 Have you been hitting the bott...

  • 时差N小时 病人隐私该不该对家属隐瞒?(下)

    Dear Sister: 亲爱的贝拉福特: It sounds as if Vera has been bossing you around for a long time and doesn't like being denied the opportunity to keep doing it. 听起来好像维拉很长时间以来一直在指挥你,并且一旦被剥夺这样...

  • 时差N小时 病人隐私该不该对家属隐瞒?(上)

    Dear Annie: 亲爱的安妮: Ever since I asked my sister, Vera, to drive me to an upcoming surgery appointment, 自从我要姐姐维拉开车载我到医院接受即将到来的手术预约后, she's been pestering me for access to my doctor so s...

  • 时差N小时 一天之中什么时候最冷?(下)

    At dawn, the first rays of sunshine are weak. 黎明时分,第一缕阳光非常薄弱。 It takes time for the incoming radiation from the sun to counteract the rate that the ground islosing heat. 来自太阳的辐射需要时间以平衡地面失去...

  • 时差N小时 一天之中什么时候最冷?(上)

    Anyone with the gumption to be up before dawn will tell you that when those first rays of light come over the horizon after a clear night, it gets warmer, and... 任何有进取心并且早破晓前起床的人都会告诉你,当在晴朗的夜晚后...

  • 时差N小时 近亲生育的危害(下)

    Prolonged interbreeding in any species can eventually lead to serious birth defects. 长期来看,任何物种间的异血缘繁殖终会导致严重的先天缺陷。 Harmful genetic mutations are less likely to appear in large populations where i...

  • 时差N小时 近亲生育的危害(上)

    Fans of classic movies will remember the famous dueling banjos scene in Deliverance, 经典影片《激流四勇士》的粉丝一定还记得著名的五弦琴决斗场面吧! the story of four city friends who take an ill-fated boating trip down...
