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  • 时差N小时 白葡萄酒的警告

    In many countries, white wines such as Chardonnay are the preferred choice when people have seafood or poultry dishes. And they certainly don't stain your teeth, tongue or lips like red wines do. However findings published in the journal of Nutrition...

  • 时差N小时 玩耍和语言的联系

    We usually think of play as something that's done only in one's free time, separate from the serious business of life. For an infant or a toddler, however,learning to play is a crucial part of social development. The ages between eight months and thr...

  • 时差N小时 似曾相识的感觉

    Many people at one time or another have experienced dj vu. French for already seen, dj vu is a sudden strong feeling that a moment identical to the present one has occurred at some earlier time. 许多人都曾经有过记忆幻觉的经历。dj vu 一...

  • 时差N小时 咖喱的力量

    If you like curry then you must be delighted to learn that scientists in Ireland have found a certain type of curry spice can kill off cancer cells. The chemicalcurcumincan be found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric. It's long thought to have...

  • 时差N小时 你懒惰吗?

    Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook from scratch? Have you been doing internet shopping rather than going to the stores? What can't you be bothered to do? 您是否情愿吃冰箱里的即食食品,也懒得亲自下厨做饭呢...

  • 时差N小时 婴儿睡觉的时候体重在增加吗?

    Most people who hold babies know that the moment babies go to sleep, they seem to gain weight. Of course, a baby's weight doesn't really change when they fall asleep, so why does the limp, floppy weight of a sleeping baby seem greater than it actuall...

  • 时差N小时 "失礼"的科学解释

    Dear Yael and Don: The other night,I was at a party, and one of the people I was talking with was pretty overweight. I was trying to be careful not to say anything affensive, but in suddenly I blurted out something...Is there a scientific explanation...

  • 时差N小时 饼干的杀伤力

    When we are warned about the dangers of food, it usually relates to food allergies or food poisoning. The image of killer biscuits has never quite come in to people's minds. Millions of people reach for a 'biccy' whenever they pour a cup of tea and i...

  • 时差N小时 得老师欢心的宠儿

    Usually, pets are animals, such as birds or fish that we keep in our homes and take care of. Sometimes, schools will keep class pets, where all the children take turns caring for this animal. A teacher's pet, however, is not an animal, but a student...

  • 时差N小时 鸡蛋和灯泡

    What a light bulb and an egg have in common? The shell of an egg and the glass exterior of a light bulb have more than one thing in common. First, both protect something delicate inside: the exterior of the light bulb keeps the delicate internal wiri...

  • 时差N小时 嘿!你伤到我的树叶了!

    Don:Yael,the last time I was mown the lawn,I couldn't help thinking, it's lucky these grass plant don't feel pain. 唐:雅艾尔,上次我修理草坪的时候忍不住想,那些树木花草感觉不到疼痛是很幸运的。 Yael: Ture,Don....

  • 时差N小时 帮助治疗白血病的干细胞

    Yael: Hey, Don, name three types of stem cells in your body? 雅艾尔:嘿,唐,你能说出你体内三种干细胞的名称吗? Don: I've thought stem cells were from Embryos, Yael, do adult have them, too? 唐:我一直以为干细胞来自于...

  • 时差N小时 蒲公英的诞生

    They're a home owner's nemesis and a young kid's delight. Whether they're yellow flowers dotting an otherwise perfect lawn or white puffs ready to be blown away by a sudden gust, dandelions are either hated or loved by just about everybody. What look...

  • 时差N小时 我们为什么冷藏水果和蔬菜?

    Why We Refrigerate Fruits and Vegetable 我们为什么冷藏水果和蔬菜 Everyone knows you should put spinach and berries in the refrigerator, but exactly how do cooler temperatures keep most fruits and vegetables from spoiling rapidly? 每个人都...

  • 时差N小时 猜测别人的年龄是不礼貌的行为

    Dear Annie: May I say something about people who make assumptions about someone's age? My 18-year-old daughter is on the petite side. She is 4-foot-11 and weighs 95 pounds. On several occasions, we have been invited to dinner at a restaurant and aske...
