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  • 时差N小时 涂鸦帮助记忆吗?

    Yael: So Don, I was reading this very interesting article about how in prehistoric times the world cooled because there was a sharp drop in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 雅艾尔:唐,我正在读一篇非常有趣的文章,讲在史前时代...

  • 时差N小时 介入或旁观该如何拿捏?

    Several years ago, I was standing at a bus stop when suddenly a couple emerged from a nearby alley, arguing loudly. More or less in unison, we at the bus stop all turned and looked them. 几年前,我站在公交车站,突然有一对情侣从附近...

  • 时差N小时 追随别人的目光

    Don:Time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writers: Dear Yael and Don: Why is it that whenever I see someone looking at something, like someone gazing up at the sky, I look there too? Is it just me, or do we all do this? 唐:...

  • 时差N小时 迷失在书里

    Yael: Hey Don, what are you reading? Don? Don! 雅艾尔:嘿,唐,你在读什么?唐?唐! Don: Huh? 唐:哈? Yael: I asked what book you're reading. 雅艾尔:我问你在看什么书。 Don: Oh, sorry. I guess I was lost in the sto...

  • 时差N小时 眼镜蛇喷射毒液时如何百发百中?

    Don:Hey Yael, why are you wearing safety goggles? 唐:嘿,雅艾尔,你为什么戴着一副护目镜? Yael:In case I run into any spitting cobras, Don. 雅艾尔:唐,以防碰上吐毒液的眼镜蛇。 Don:Spitting cobras? I didn't know...

  • 时差N小时 物理学冲浪

    A sailboat is powered by wind, a motorboat by gasoline, and a rowboat by whatever the rower had for breakfast. There's one water craft, however, that gets all its horizontal push from the downward pull of gravity alone. Is this some futuristic new ty...

  • 时差N小时 越往地心走越热

    If you visit a cave on a hot summer day, you might come away with the impression that it's somewhat cold underground. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. The Earth's temperature increases steadily the deeper you go. Indeed, mine worker...

  • 时差N小时 为什么会有那么多死蛇在路上?

    It's a familiar sight: you're driving along one of those long, dry stretches of highway in any of the southwestern states, and you keep coming across snakes that have been run over by cars. Why should snakes have worse luck with cars than any other d...

  • 时差N小时 训练小狗

    If you read dog-training books or watch dog trainers on television, you've probably learned that to control your dog, you have to display dominance. It's commonly thought that because dogs are pack animals, they live according to dominance hierarchie...

  • 时差N小时 儿子的女友谎称对猫过敏

    Dear Annie:I live alone with my five cats. Four years ago, my youngest son brought his girlfriend, Emily, for a visit. Emily told me she was allergic to cats and needed a cat-free bedroom, so I gave her mine. My son occupied the other bedroom, which...

  • 时差N小时 罕见的宝藏

    Most people searching for buried treasure would be looking for silver and gold, ancient coins or rare artwork. 大多数人寻找埋葬的宝藏多数是为了金银,古币或者稀有艺术品。 But scientists studying the extinct giant moa bird...

  • 时差N小时 希望的一代

    I recently read an article in which one of my favorite columnists, William Safire, explores the use of generation in a litany of literary references to American writers. He begins with Hemingway's quotation of lost generation and then explores other...

  • 时差N小时 大豆和前列腺

    Yael: Want some soymilk, Don? 雅艾尔:想喝点豆浆吗,唐? Don: I'll pass, thank you. 唐:不用,谢谢。 Yael: What about some of this tofu salad? 雅艾尔:来点豆腐沙拉怎么样? Don: Why are you pushing soy foods on me? 唐...

  • 时差N小时 烛光里的电视晚餐

    Imagine a friend of yours has invited you over for dinner to share a gourmet meal and an expensive bottle of wine. You really enjoy the meal and the wine and ask your friend where she got the stuff. She confesses that the gourmet meal was really a TV...

  • 时差N小时 讽刺的承诺与婚前协议

    A local news report about a prenup and marriage breakup would make a fine satiric tale. Like an entertaining satire, the plot and characters of that report offer useful material for contemplation.It seems that a certain sugar daddy fell in love with...
